Regional Development

Spatial distribution pattern of cultural tourism in Xinjiang

  • Lieqin ZHANG ,
  • Yi’nong LU ,
  • Zhen LONG ,
  • Qinglei LI ,
  • Tao WANG
  • 1. Faculty of Business Administration, Xinjiang Institute of Science and Technology, Korla 841000, Xinjiang, China
    2. Institute of Tourism and Planning, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China

Received date: 2022-04-25

  Revised date: 2022-06-17

  Online published: 2023-06-05


Today, cultural tourism space is one of the significant directions of research on culture and tourism integration. Taking 2346 POI cultural tourism space spots of Xinjiang, China, as the research objects, the distribution pattern characteristics of the cultural tourism space of Xinjiang are presented with graphic visualization through quantitative statistics and analysis, with the help of the topography of geographic information system space analysis software and geomorphic elevation analysis, kernel density analysis, Tyson polygon analysis, and standard deviation elliptic analysis. The research shows the following results: (1) The distribution of the cultural tourism space of Xinjiang adapts with the characteristics of natural and geographic environments, mainly distributed at both sides of the rivers, river valleys, mountainous vertical regions, and oasis buffer zone on the edge of the desert. Regions with high-value kernel density exhibit distribution characteristics such as large dispersion and small aggregation, ribbon pattern, block, and scattered pattern. (2) The distribution of the cultural tourism space of Xinjiang has the characteristics of there are more in the north region and less in the south region, the east region and west region are connected, and the radiation influence range of natural tourism space is wider than that of the humanity tourism space. (3) The cultural tourism space of Xinjiang is inherited in a continuous strain. The connection with humanity tourism space and natural tourism space gradually changes into resources, products, and images of cultural tourism space. The relationship of each other is gradually intensified, with the characteristics of obvious inclusiveness, integration, and extensity. Based on the above analysis result, the optimized suggestions are proposed on development research on the whole region, hierarchy, and diversity of the cultural tourism space of Xinjiang.

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Lieqin ZHANG , Yi’nong LU , Zhen LONG , Qinglei LI , Tao WANG . Spatial distribution pattern of cultural tourism in Xinjiang[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(5) : 823 -833 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.177


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