Preliminary observations study of physical structures of two types of fog in Liupan Mountain areas
Received date: 2022-08-03
Revised date: 2022-08-29
Online published: 2023-04-28
Based on the routine observation data of ground visibility, temperature, relative humidity, wind and other meteorological stations in Longde, Jingyuan and Liupan Mountain Meteorological Station obtained from the observation of mountain fog in Liupan Mountain, northwest China in 2020, and the vertical observation data of microwave radiometer temperature and relative humidity, the circulation situation and the vertical evolution characteristics of temperature and humidity in Liupan Mountain were preliminarily analyzed when the fog occurred in a large range and only at the top of the mountain. The results show that both the large-scale fog process and the mountaintop fog process in Liupan Mountain areas are caused by the warm and humid air flow in front of the trough and the cooling and humidification. The relative humidity on the ground during the two types of fog is more than 95%, mainly southerly winds. The visibility of Longde and Jingyuan Meteorological Stations is more than 200 m, and the visibility of Liupan Mountain Meteorological Station is less than 200 m for more than half of the time; The fog at Liupan Mountain is generated and dissipated rapidly, and the strong fog lasts for a long time. The thickness of inversion layer thickens earlier than the time of strong fog, when the fog is mature, the thickness of the inversion layer reaches 1130 m, with the development of fog, the thickness of inversion layer at Longde Meteorological Station has also increased, but it is far less than that at Liupan Mountain Meteorological Station, and the intensity of inversion at Liupan Mountain Meteorological Station is weaker than that at Longde Meteorological Station. With the development of fog, the relative humidity has an obvious upward extension phenomenon, with more than 90% of the relative humidity extending to 1040 m, at the same time, the microwave radiometer of Longde Meteorological Station can observe a saturated area of about 600 m when there is strong fog at Liupan Mountain Meteorological Station, which is of great significance to analyze the vertical evolution of typical mountain fog in Liupan Mountain.
Key words: fog; physical structures; preliminary observations; Liupan Mountain area
Zhangli DANG , Jianhua MU , Jun YAN , Ning CAO , Zhuolin CHANG . Preliminary observations study of physical structures of two types of fog in Liupan Mountain areas[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(4) : 574 -582 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.382
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