Spatial differentiation characteristics and influencing texture of the coupling coordinated development of agro-culture-tourism in China
Received date: 2022-06-17
Revised date: 2022-08-16
Online published: 2023-03-31
Exploring the long-term fusion mechanism of agro-cultural-tourism is an important measure to realize the sustainable development of rural areas and implement the rural revitalization strategy. Therefore, the directory data representing the development level of agro-cultural-tourism are selected as the research object, and the coupling coordination degree and geodetector and Moran’s I index are comprehensively used to explore the spatial differentiation characteristics and influencing texture of the coupling coordinated development of agro-cultural-tourism in China quantitatively. The following results are obtained. (1) The development level of agriculture, culture, and tourism is not synchronized and the spatial distribution is uneven, each forming its unique spatial distribution characteristics. (2) Under the market-oriented operation, the integrated development of agricultural culture and tourism shows the characteristics of “cultural tourism first, agriculture lags behind”, nearly half of the prefecture-level cities are coordinated, and the spatial coupling coordination is general. (3) From the overall perspective, the agglomeration characteristics of the spatial coupling and coordinated development of agro-cultural-tourism are remarkable, and the local spatial autocorrelation exhibits a differentiated feature bounded by the Hu Huanyong line. (4) The explanatory strength of the spatial differentiation of the coordinated development of agro-cultural-tourism coupling is innovation level>sociocultural>physical geography>economic development. This finding reflects the initiative of people, especially the innovation ability, is the leading force to the coupling and coordinated development of agro-cultural-tourism. (5) The spatial differentiation of the coordinated development of agro-cultural-tourism coupling is affected by complex coupling effects of multiple factors, and the interaction effect between innovation level and sociocultural dimension is significantly higher than that between physical geography and economic development dimension. Thus, this study presents the following suggestions. First, promoting the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in parallel, coordinating agro-cultural-tourism, carefully considering the capital going to the countryside, conducting rural planning in advance, and demarcating land development boundaries are necessary for rural development to prevent disorderly development and construction in the capital boom and avoid wasting a considerable amount of resources. Second, rural development must combine the cultural background and develop characteristic agriculture based on resource endowments; take the revitalization of talents as a guide; strengthen cultural, industrial, and agricultural technology innovations; and form a coordinated development pattern of “people-land-industry”.
Yuhuan YANG , Jianxiong HE , Xinhong ZHANG , Yang RUI . Spatial differentiation characteristics and influencing texture of the coupling coordinated development of agro-culture-tourism in China[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(3) : 448 -459 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.295
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