Ecological security pattern at county level in northeast forest area of China from the perspective of ecological importance: A case of Arun Banner in Hulun Buir City
Received date: 2021-12-01
Revised date: 2022-02-04
Online published: 2022-10-20
The construction of ecological security plans at county level is of great significance for ensuring the ecological security and optimizing ecological spatial planning at a county level in China. Based on the evaluation of results related to the importance of ecosystem services in Arun Banner, Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia, China, this study uses a landscape morphological spatial pattern analysis to identify the ecological core area as the ecological source area and construct a resistance grid based on ecological resistance and ecological threat factors. In this work, circuit theory was used to identify an ecological corridor; Linkage Mapper was used to identify the improvement areas in the ecological corridor. Based on this, a comprehensive ecological security plan for Arun Banner was constructed. The results showed that: (1) The most ecologically important area of Arun Banner has an areas of 4181.66 km2, which accounts for 37.80% of the whole banner area, and the ecologically important area was 2174.50 km2, accounting for 19.80% of the whole banner area. (2) There are 33 ecological source areas that cover an area of 1141.00 km2, which accounts for 10.30% of the total area of the study area; these areas are mainly distributed in the north of the banner region, and tree forest is the main type of ecological source land. (3) A total of 73 ecological corridors were identified, including 62 key corridors and 11 potential corridors; these corridors had a total area of 1884.80 km2. The network structure of the ecological corridors was complete. These corridors were more concentrated in the north and less frequent in the south of the study region. (4) The area of specific pinch points was found to be 71.25 km2, 38 important pinch points are identified in this work. The area of first-level improvement regions related to these pinch points was found to be 176.65 km2; the majority of this area is located in the south of the banner region. The secondary improvement area was found to be 887.12 km2; this area is mainly distributed in the south and northwest of the banner region. Planning activities should be carried out on the identified source areas and ecological corridors to ensure ecological security. This work provides an evaluation of the importance of the ecosystems studied and the identification of ecological source areas and ecological corridors based on the resistance factors. This work also comprehensively considers the importance of ecological processes in the construction of ecological security planning and provides a realistic path and scientific guidance for the optimization of territorial spatial pattern.
Yitong LI , Lihua RONG , Wenlong LI , Lei CHENG . Ecological security pattern at county level in northeast forest area of China from the perspective of ecological importance: A case of Arun Banner in Hulun Buir City[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2022 , 45(5) : 1615 -1625 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.577
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