Remote sensing monitoring and temporal and spatial characteristics of soil salinization in Aral Reclamation Area
Received date: 2021-11-10
Revised date: 2022-01-09
Online published: 2022-08-11
This paper analyzes the distribution and spatial variation of saline soil of different degrees in the Aral Reclamation Area, Xinjiang, China and provides an important reference for effectively controlling and preventing reclaimed saline soil in the reclamation area. Using Landsat ETM+ in 2011 and Landsat OLI in 2021, the remote salinization detection index (SDI) model of soil salinization was constructed using the salinity index and the normalized vegetation index to extract and analyze soil salinization information in the Aral Reclamation Area. Soil data were collected from 139 surface soil sample points (0-10 cm) in the Aral Reclamation Area, and three samples per point were collected using the triangular sampling method. Soil extract with water and soil (5:1) was prepared, and soil conductivity was measured in the laboratory. According to the soil conductivity value corresponding to the soil salinization grade standard of the American Saline Alkali Soil Laboratory, the soil salinization grade in the Aral Reclamation Area is divided into five categories. According to the natural discontinuity method, the SDI is divided into five levels to verify its classification accuracy and explore the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of soil salinization in the study area in the recent 10 years. The fitting degree between the SDI model of soil salinization and the measured soil conductivity R2=0.7579. The farmland in the reclamation area comprises mainly nonsaline soil and light saline soil, the riverbed and grassland of the Tarim River are mainly moderately saline soil and heavy saline soil, and the land desertification and the area near the desert comprise mainly saline soil. From 2011 to 2021, the area of nonsaline soil and mild saline soil in the Aral Reclamation Area increased by 318.22 km2 and 0.80 km2, respectively; the area of moderate and severe soil salinization decreased by 229.87 km2; and the area of saline soil increased by 68.61 km2. In the recent 10 years, the degree of soil salinization in the north and south of the Aral Reclamation Area has improved significantly, the degree of soil salinization in the middle and eastern parts has increased, and the overall soil salinization in the reclamation area has improved. The SDI has a certain reference value for the study of soil salinization and provides a scientific basis for the real-time monitoring and accurate treatment of soil salinization in reclamation areas.
Yunhao DAI , Yao GUAN , Qinkai ZHANG , Junjie SUN , Xinghong HE . Remote sensing monitoring and temporal and spatial characteristics of soil salinization in Aral Reclamation Area[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2022 , 45(4) : 1176 -1185 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.531
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