Arid Land Geography ›› 2022, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 546-556.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.310
• Biology and Environment • Previous Articles Next Articles
TAN Jin1,2(),WU Xiuqin1,2(
),RUAN Yongjian1,2,ZHANG Huan1,2,FENG Mengxin1,2,SHA Rina1,2
Xiuqin WU;
TAN Jin,WU Xiuqin,RUAN Yongjian,ZHANG Huan,FENG Mengxin,SHA Rina. Effects of crop residues on farmland wind erosion in Cyperus esculentus planting area[J].Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(2): 546-556.
Tab. 1
Characteristic parameters of different residue types"
残茬类型 | 调查时间(年-月-日) | 平均高度/cm | 盖度/% | 平均带宽/m | 平均带间距/m |
间作留茬(油莎豆) | 2020-10-10 | 37.5 | 14.01 | 0.7 | 2.5 |
2020-11-15 | 25.1 | 13.72 | |||
2020-12-26 | 21.8 | 13.29 | |||
2021-03-03 | 16.7 | 9.88 | |||
间作留茬(梭梭) | 2020-10-10 | 112.1 | 0.32 | 0.4 | 3.1 |
2020-11-15 | 110.5 | 0.30 | |||
2020-12-26 | 106.3 | 0.29 | |||
2021-03-03 | 105.8 | 0.25 | |||
留4采6 | 2020-10-10 | 38.5 | 10.27 | 4.2 | 5.5 |
2020-11-15 | 19.6 | 9.81 | |||
2020-12-26 | 15.4 | 3.02 | |||
2021-03-03 | 9.8 | 0.55 | |||
留6采6 | 2020-10-10 | 37.6 | 13.45 | 5.5 | 5.5 |
2020-11-15 | 15.3 | 10.86 | |||
2020-12-26 | 13.2 | 8.37 | |||
2021-03-03 | 11.7 | 5.75 |
Tab. 4
Optimal fitting relations between sand flux and height under different residue types"
日期(年-月-日) | 平均风速/m·s-1 | 残茬类型 | 编号 | 关系式 | R2 |
2020-11-15 | 9.78 | 全采收 | K | Q=1611.60e-0.29H | 0.93 |
间作未采收 | J1 | Q=0.10e-0.23H | 0.85 | ||
J2 | Q=17.37H-2.87 | 0.75 | |||
留4采6 | C1 | Q=52.21e-0.28H | 0.87 | ||
C2 | Q=7992.80H-4.32 | 0.89 | |||
留6采6 | L1 | Q=150.84e-0.20H | 0.83 | ||
L2 | Q=211.71e-0.26H | 0.91 | |||
2020-12-26 | 9.11 | 全采收 | K | Q=32382.00H-3.55 | 0.89 |
间作未采收 | J1 | Q=-10.30e-0.11H | 0.95 | ||
J2 | Q=1.95H-0.87 | 0.82 | |||
留4采6 | C1 | Q=3905.90H-2.92 | 0.97 | ||
C2 | Q=5926.30H-2.98 | 0.93 | |||
留6采6 | L1 | Q=489.340H-1.90 | 0.87 | ||
L2 | Q=558.92H-2.42 | 0.90 | |||
2021-03-03 | 10.73 | 全采收 | K | Q=7892.10e-0.24H | 0.84 |
间作未采收 | J1 | Q=618.15e-0.28H | 0.84 | ||
J2 | Q=584553.00H-0.54 | 0.78 | |||
留4采6 | C1 | Q=28277.00e-0.28H | 0.80 | ||
C2 | Q=13257.00e-0.24H | 0.84 | |||
留6采6 | L1 | Q=4953.20e-0.25H | 0.80 | ||
L2 | Q=22121.00H-2.35 | 0.99 | |||
2021-03-04 | 9.97 | 全采收 | K | Q=175694.00H-2.96 | 0.97 |
间作未采收 | J1 | Q=113.91e-0.29H | 0.82 | ||
J2 | Q=79159.00H-5.07 | 0.80 | |||
留4采6 | C1 | Q=197058.00H-3.03 | 0.97 | ||
C2 | Q=114033.00H-2.53 | 0.97 | |||
留6采6 | L1 | Q=1048.30e-0.28H | 0.83 | ||
L2 | Q=636.04e-0.33H | 0.84 |
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