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干旱区地理 ›› 2013, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (3): 528-535.

• 区域发展 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1    山东曲阜师范大学地理与旅游学院,  山东    日照    276826;    2    西北大学城市与环境学院,  陕西    西安    710127)
  • 收稿日期:2012-07-20 修回日期:2012-09-04 出版日期:2013-05-25
  • 作者简介:李俊莉(1976-),女,陕西富平人,博士,副教授,研究方向环境与可持续发展. Email:qfljl@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Evaluation on development level of circular economy of resource-based city with the Emergy Theory:a case of Yulin City

LI  Jun-li1,CAO  Ming-ming2   

  1. (1   College of Geography and Tourist, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826,Shandong,China;2   College of Urban and Environment, Northwest University, Xi′an 710127,Shaanxi,China)
  • Received:2012-07-20 Revised:2012-09-04 Online:2013-05-25

摘要: 运用能值理论与分析方法,从能值流量、社会经济发展、资源循环利用、资源环境安全和综合指数5个方面构建了循环经济能值评价指标体系,对2000-2010年陕北资源型城市榆林的循环经济发展状况进行了深入分析。结果表明:榆林自然资源丰富,能值自给率达99%以上,属于资源输出型区域;经济的高速发展建立在大量消耗本地不可更新资源的基础上,仍沿袭着高资源消耗、粗放型的经济发展模式;虽然系统的资源循环利用率(RRR)逐年增长,但可持续发展指数(ESI)、改进的可持续发展指数(SDI)、循环经济能值指数(EREI)、生态效率指数(UEI)逐年下降。基于循环经济的“3+1”模式,今后榆林实现可持续发展的关键是:加大引入外界能值力度,促进能值的合理流动;依托技术创新和技术转型,提高输入能值利用效率和废弃物资源化效率;进一步开发可更新资源,促使区域产业系统的生态化转向。

关键词: 能值分析, 循环经济, 资源型城市, 榆林市

Abstract: Many resource-based cities are faced with more and more seriously resource exhaust,environment pollution and development dilemma in China. Circular economy is an important growth patterns for the resource-based cities to realize the transition of sustainable development,meanwhile,scientific evaluation on development level of circular economy is a foundation theory problem. Emergy theory coined by ODUM H T is a new method to research ecosystem and economic system of human society,analyze the true value of environmental resources and their relationships quantificationally.  Emergy is defined as the energy of one type required in transformation to generate a flow or storage.  Solar emergy of a flow or storage is the solar energy required to generate a flow or storage. Its unites are solar emergy joules (abbreviated sej). Applying the emergy theory,some indices and ratios such as the environmental loading ratio(ELR),the net emergy yield ratio(NEYR)and emergy sustainable index(ESI)can be calculated. Based on emergy theory,taking the resource-based city Yulin in the Northern of Shaanxi Province as an example,from such five aspects as emergy flow,social & economy development,resource recycling utilization,resource & environment security and comprehensive index,this paper analyzed and evaluated the development condition and level of circular economy of Yulin from 2000 to 2010. Results showed as follows:the natural resources of Yulin City were abundant and the ratio of emergy self-supplying was above 99%,it belonged to resource out-putting type region. The high-speed economy development based the basis of a large consumption of nonrenewable resources,still carried on a kind of high resource consumption,extensive economic development mode; although the resource recycle ratio (RRR) increased year by year,but the emergy sustainable index (ESI),the sustainable development index (SDI),the emergy recycle economy index (EREI) and the urban eco-efficiency index (UEI) declined year by year. Based on the “three and one” mode of circulation economic,some measures should be taken to realize sustainable development of Yulin City in the future such as: Strengthen the input emergy’s introducing to promote the emergy flow rationally; Relying on technology innovation and technological transformation to improve the efficiency of input emergy use and waste recycling; Further exploiting renewable resources to promote regional industrial system ecological tendency.

Key words: emergy analysis, circular economy, resource-based city, Yulin City


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