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干旱区地理 ›› 2023, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1680-1691.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.612 cstr: 32274.14.ALG2022612

• 生态与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832003
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-19 修回日期:2022-12-18 出版日期:2023-10-25 发布日期:2023-11-10
  • 作者简介:郑智鹏(1998-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事风沙灾害防治研究. E-mail: 1342345526@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Characteristics of wind-sand environment and control measures of sand damage along Yuli-Qiemo Desert Highway

ZHENG Zhipeng(),MA Benteng,CHENG Jianjun(),WEI Jinming   

  1. College of Water Conservancy & Architectural Engineering, Shihezi University, Shihezi 832003, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2022-11-19 Revised:2022-12-18 Published:2023-10-25 Online:2023-11-10


尉犁-且末沙漠公路(简称尉-且沙漠公路)穿越塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地,对于实现新疆社会稳定和长治久安提供有力交通保障。风沙危害是尉-且沙漠公路建设和通车的主要危害,亟需采取防治措施对该公路进行保护。基于ERA5风况数据,全方位分析了尉-且沙漠公路沿线的风能环境,并结合遥感影像分析沿线的沙丘移动特征,系统阐述了沿线遭受的风沙危害,在此基础上对该沙漠公路提出了有针对性的风沙防治措施。结果表明:(1) 沿线年均起沙风速介于6.03~6.64 m·s-1之间,年起沙风频率介于14.73%~30.44%之间。(2) 起沙风主要发生在春夏两季中。起沙风主方向以ENE、E为主。(3) 沿线年输沙势介于106.48~293.70 VU之间,存在低、中两种风能环境,年方向变率指数介于0.49~0.74之间,属中比率,年合成输沙方向介于213.48°~255.94°之间,各方向季输沙势与季起沙风频率变化特征一致,方向变率指数呈现明显季节变化特征。风能环境的时空变化特征造成了沙丘移动速率的空间差异性,在起沙风作用下,沿线遭受不同程度的风沙危害,沿线按照阻-固原则,有针对性地设置工程、生物并存的防治措施。研究结果全面概述了尉-且沙漠公路沿线的风沙环境特征及危害,为该公路沿线防治措施的设置及后续改进优化提供理论依据。

关键词: 起沙风, 输沙势, 风沙危害, 防治对策, 沙漠公路


The Yuli-Qiemo Desert Highway, through the Taklimakan Desert hinterland, can provide strong support to realize social stability and long-term security in Xinjiang, China. Wind and sand hazards are the main obstacles to the construction and opening of the Yuli-Qiemo Desert Highway, hence preventive and control measures are urgently needed to protect the highway. Based on ERA5 wind data, this study analyzed the wind energy environment along the Yuli-Qiemo Desert Highway, combined with remote sensing images to analyze the dune movement characteristics along the highway. In addition, the wind and sand hazards along the highway were systematically elaborated based on which the targeted wind and sand prevention and control measures were proposed for the highway. The following results were observed. (1) The annual average wind speed of sand ranged from 6.03 m·s-1 to 6.64 m·s-1, and the annual wind frequency ranged from 14.73% to 30.44%. (2) Sandy winds occurred mainly in spring and summer. The main direction of sandy wind is dominated by ENE and E. (3) The annual sand transport potential along the line ranges from 106.48 VU to 293.70 VU, with two types of wind environments, i.e., low and medium. The annual directional variability index ranges from 0.49 to 0.74, indicating a medium ratio, and the annual synthetic sand transport direction ranges between 213.48° and 255.94°. The seasonal sand transport potential in each direction is consistent with the frequency change of seasonal sand winds, and the directional variability index shows obvious seasonal change characteristics. The spatial and temporal variability of the wind energy environment causes the spatial variability of the dune movement rate. Under the action of sand-driving winds, different degrees of wind and sand hazards are suffered along the route. Therefore, targeted engineering and biological control measures are set up along the route according to the blocking-fixing principle. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the environmental characteristics and hazards of wind and sand along the Yuli-Qiemo Desert Highway and provides a theoretical basis for the setup and subsequent improvement and optimization of the control measures along the highway.

Key words: sandy wind, sand transport potential, wind and sand hazards, prevention and control measures, desert highway