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干旱区地理 ›› 2013, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (1): 33-40.

• 气候与水文 • 上一篇    下一篇

近50 a博斯腾湖逐年水量收支估算与水平衡分析


  1. 1    四川师范大学地理与资源科学学院,  四川    成都    610101;    2    新疆巴州环保局环境监测站,  新疆    库尔勒    841000;
    3    中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,  新疆    乌鲁木齐    830011;    4    新疆气象局,  新疆    乌鲁木齐    830002
  • 收稿日期:2012-06-17 修回日期:2012-08-11 出版日期:2013-01-25
  • 通讯作者: 赵景峰(1965-),男,河北,研究员,主要从事水文水资源研究. Email:zhaojf@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 作者简介:刘丽梅(1986-),女,黑龙江,研究生. Email:liulimei-001@163.com
  • 基金资助:


Water balance of Lake Bosten using annual water-budgets method for the past 50 years

LIU Li?mei1,ZHAO Jing?feng1,ZHANG Jian?ping2,PENG Wen?fu1,FAN Jing?long3,ZHANG Tai?xi4   

  1. 1  Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu  610101,Sichuan,China;2  Xinjiang Bazhou EPA,Korla  841000,Xinjiang,China;3  Xinjiang Ecology & Geography Institute,CAS  Urumqi  830011,Xinjiang,China;4  Xinjiang Meteorological Administration,Urumqi  830002,Xinjiang,China
  • Received:2012-06-17 Revised:2012-08-11 Online:2013-01-25

摘要: 据博斯腾湖流域1958-2010年期间主要河流开都河、黄水沟、清水河、孔雀河的逐年流量资料,结合焉耆盆地降水、蒸发要素的同期观测资料,对大湖区的逐年水量收支进行计算,并依据水量平衡原理对博湖大湖区残差水量进行了逐年分析。结果表明:(1)1958-2010年期间年均入湖水量14.34×108 m3/a,其中入湖河水约占95%;年均输出水量13.96×108 m3/a,其中大湖区输入孔雀河水量约占43%,湖面蒸发耗水量占57%;湖区年均蓄水量71.57±3.92×108 m3108 m3/a,湖水年均水位为1 047.01±0.94 m;(2)极端水文年度水量平衡分析指出:1986年为最枯年份,入湖河水是多年平均值的62%,而出湖河水量是多年平均值的153%,导致年内湖区水位下降0.94 m;2002年最丰年份入湖河水是多年平均值的2.6倍,致使年内水位上升0.80 m;(3)残差水量逐年“正负”变化指出,湖水与地下水之间存在互补关系,过去53 a间湖水补给地下水的年均水量为0.87×108 m3/a。

关键词: 博斯腾湖, 年水量收支, 差水量, 量平衡, 50年来

Abstract: Lake Bosten, the biggest inland freshwater throughput lake in China, is located in the Yanqi Basin that is a semi-closed basin with rare precipitation surrounding by the Tianshan Ranges, The lake’s water supplies mainly depend on the rivers’ discharges that derived from surrounding mountains. Kaidu River as the largest inflow river to the lake, its east tributary is the unique inflow river that enables the water directly into the lake. Only Kongque River is an outflow river of the lake and its discharges into the river have been controlled by water pump since 1982. In the Central Asia, the lakes’ water resource is very important for the irrigation agriculture and the ecological environment. However, during the past several decades, the lake water level had decreased from 1 044.95 to 1 048.65 m. The water balance method had been used to study the reason of lake water level variation by many researchers, but their estimations about the water budgets were used to be offered as long-term averaged values (i.e. multi-years average) rather than a set of annual data year by year. In this paper, an annual water-budgets model of Lake Bosten is derived for the period 1958-2010. Calculation techniques are used to derive annual main inputs and outputs to the water balance, based on the data of lake rainfall, evaporation pan and rivers’ discharges during the historical period. This approach acknowledges that the water residual is produced here which is representative of the whole uncertainties to the lake, rather than just from individual flows of irrigation drainages and groundwater. The results indicate as follows:(1) During the period 1958-2010, the annual water inputs to lake totally were 14.34×108 m3/a, in which about 95% from river’s inflow; the annual water outputs from lake were 13.96×108 m3/a, about 43% by outflow and 57% consumed with lake evaporation; thus, the lake levels varied 1 047.01±0.94 m corresponding with the lake’s water storages of 71.57±3.92×108 m3/a. The water pump system built in 1982 has played a significant role on the water reconfiguration in the area around Lake Bosten. During the period of 1982-2010, the water outflows by this pump station were 8.07×108 m3/a, and the river’s inflows into the lake were 16.00×108 m3/a, it shows that the pump system has made the proportion of the outflow to the inflow from 31.7% to 50.4% than before. (2) For the extreme hydrological dry year in 1986, the annual inflow only accounted for 60% of the multi-year average; but the outflow from the lake was 155% of the average, it had lowered 0.94 m of the lake level which was the largest decline in historical records; for the wet year, the river’s inflow in 2002 was 2.62 times more than a normal year, which had caused 0.80 m of the lake level increased as being the highest rising records. (3) The alteration of the water residuals from ‘positive values’ to ‘negative values’ indicates that the water exchange between lake and groundwater is existing any time. In a word, when the water residuals of the year with a negative value, the lake water was recharging the groundwater, such as 2000 year and 2002 year; when the water residuals of the year with the positive value beyond of the drainages’ inflow magnitude, the groundwater was recharging the lake, such as 1975 year、1981 year and 1985 year. For the past 53 years, the lake water had recharged the surrounding groundwater with the net inflows about 0.87×108 m3/a totally.

Key words: Lake Bosten, nnual water-budgets, ater residuals, ater balance, ast 50 years


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