收稿日期: 2021-02-02
修回日期: 2021-02-25
网络出版日期: 2021-06-01
Effects of land use/cover change on ecosystem service value under the ecological water conveyance of Tarim River
Received date: 2021-02-02
Revised date: 2021-02-25
Online published: 2021-06-01
基于2000—2020年土地利用数据,采用修正后的单位面积价值当量法、生态系统服务变化指数与探索性空间分析手段,分析了塔里木河下游自生态输水以来生态系统服务功能的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)自2000年生态输水以来,塔里木河下游耕地、林地和草地面积分别增长了18.6 km2、54.7 km2和76.7 km2,裸地面积减少了104.0 km2;其中耕地和林地增长面积主要分布在大西海子水库—英苏段,草地增长面积主要分布在英苏—阿拉干段和阿拉干—台特玛湖段。(2)塔里木河下游生态系统服务价值由2000年的42.66×109元增长到了2020年的45.86×109元,增长了3.20×109元,且生态系统服务价值低值土地利用类型向高值土地利用类型转化频繁。(3)塔里木河下游生态系统服务价值Global Moran’s I由2000年的0.7552增长到2020年的0.7639,该地区生态系统服务价值存在明显的正向空间自相关关系,且增值区主要集中分布在大西海子水库—英苏段,损失区主要分布在英苏—阿拉干段和阿拉干—台特玛湖段。塔里木河下游生态输水对该地区生态环境修复起到了积极的作用,有效提升了该区域的生态系统服务价值。
张帅,汪洋,夏婷婷,常雪儿,李稚 . 塔里木河生态输水条件下土地利用/覆被变化对生态系统服务价值的影响[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(3) : 739 -749 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.03.16
This study adopts the revised value equivalent method per unit area, ecosystem service change index, and exploratory spatial analysis methods based on the 2000—2020 land use data and socio-economic data in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Xinjinag, China. The characteristics of the temporal and spatial changes of the ecosystem service functions since the ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of the Tarim River were analyzed and the results obtained were verified using the NDVI data. The results showed that: (1) since the ecological water conveyance in 2000, the area of arable land, woodland, and grassland in the lower reaches of the Tarim River increased by 18.6 km2, 54.7 km2, and 76.7 km2, respectively while the area of the bare land decreased by 104.0 km2; among them, the increased area of arable land and woodland was mainly distributed in the section from Daxihaizi Reservoir to Yingsu, and the increased area of grassland was mainly distributed in the section from Yingsu to Arakan and from Arakan to Taitma Lake. (2) The value of ecosystem services in the lower reaches of the Tarim River increased from 42.66×109 yuan in 2020 to 45.86×109 yuan, an increase of 3.2×109 yuan. The ecosystem service value of low-value land use types is frequently converted into high-value land-use types, such as the conversion of grassland to forest land and the conversion of unused land to grassland. (3) The global Moran’s I value of ecological services in the lower reaches of the Tarim River increased from 0.7552 in 2000 to 0.7639 in 2020. The value of the ecosystem services in this area exhibited an evident positive spatial autocorrelation, and the value-added areas were mainly distributed in the Daxi Haizi Reservoir to Yingsu section. Furthermore, the loss area was mainly distributed in the Yingsu to Arakan and Arakan to Taitma Lake sections. The lower reaches of the Tarim River delivered a total of 21 water conveyances from 2000 to 2020. The timely tracking and understanding of the current status of the ecological environment in the area after the ecological water conveyance has important practical significance for the restoration of the ecological environment and improvement of water conveyance strategies. This study estimated the value of the ecosystem services in the lower reaches of the Tarim River from the beginning of the ecological water conveyance project in 2000 until 2020 and intuitively evaluated the development status of the ecological environment in the area after water conveyance from an economic point of view. The results were verified and analyzed using the superimposing land use data and vegetation NDVI data, which further proves that the vegetation growth in this area is in a healthy state of development after the ecological water conveyance. Additionally, owing to the positive development, the ecological environment of the region is also in a state of restoration. The ecological water conveyance in the lower reaches of the Tarim River played a positive role in the ecological environment restoration, effectively enhancing the value of ecosystem services in the region. This project maintains the safety and stability of the oasis ecosystem, allowing the ecological security and sustainable development of the lower reaches of Tarim.
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