This studyanalyzes and evaluates the characteristics of climatic resources in Qingyang to improve guid? ance for the development of local urban and rural planning and tourism. Based on daily air temperature, precipita? tion, relative humidity, wind speed, and sunshine time from eight meteorological stations in Qingyang from 1981 to 2018, four parameters of climate comfortwere calculated and spatiotemporal variation characteristics of climate com? fort in Qingyang were analyzed. The analysis results showed that the spring and autumn were cold, the summer was warm and comfortable, and the winter was cold and uncomfortable in Qingyang. The interannual variation character? istics of the temperature-humidity index(THI), wind chill index(K), and the dressing index(ICL) showed that the cli? mate in all seasons showed a warm trend, with substantialchangesin spring and summer and weaker changes in au? tumn and winter. The interannual fluctuation of the composite index was large, with summer climate tending to be less comfortable and the rest of the yearbeing more comfortable. The monthly distribution of the climate comfort pe? riod showed that climate in Qingyang was comfortable from May to September, making itsuitable for tourism activities. The overall spatial distribution of comfort had high values in the west but low in the east in May and September, where? as it was high in the southeast and low in the west and north from June to August. The overall characteristics of month? ly comfort changes, from most to least comfortable were in the order: May, June, September, August, and July.
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