1 中国科学院西北生态环境资源研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000;
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049; 3 兰州大学资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000
收稿日期: 2019-11-10
修回日期: 2020-04-05
网络出版日期: 2020-05-25
Statistical problem of microcharcoal in Loess sediments based on the pollen methodology
1 Northwest Institute of Ecology and Environmental Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China;
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 3 School of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,Gansu,China
Received date: 2019-11-10
Revised date: 2020-04-05
Online published: 2020-05-25
作为火的代用指标—炭屑在过去生态环境变化及人类活动研究中具有重要意义,基于孢粉学方法开展的微体炭屑—火的研究得到了研究者的广泛关注,但关于炭屑统计的标准目前尚未统一。通过选取黄土高原灵台剖面顶部13 m共16个样品,采用孢粉流程法提取炭屑(外加石松孢子以计算炭屑浓度),对样品进行随机分组统计。具体方法如下:统计时以50粒外加石松孢子为单组,每个样品累计统计20组,且每组中按形态(长宽比)分为长条形炭屑与近圆形炭屑,按大小划分为10~30 μm,30~50 μm,50~100 μm和>100 μm共4种粒级。结果表明20个单组中炭屑含量相近但有一定波动性(标准偏差0.06%~8.70%);当石松孢子累计统计500粒(10组)以上时,炭屑浓度、各粒径炭屑所占百分比均趋于稳定(相关系数r=0.99);当石松孢子累计统计300粒(6组)以上时,炭屑的长/圆比值趋于稳定(标准偏差0.01~0.24,r=0.87)。基于以上结果,建议在黄土高原微体炭屑研究中统计500±50粒的石松孢子,以确保数据稳定。以此为基础,初步发现灵台地区自165 ka以来,火事件较为频繁,草本较木本植被更占优势,此结果与该地区黄土—古土壤中元素碳含量等数据有较好对应关系,表明该地区的古火发生与环境变化具有较强联系。
王梓莎, 赵永涛, 苗运法, 邹亚国, 唐国乾
以孢粉学方法为例浅论黄土沉积物中微体炭屑的统计问题[J]. 干旱区地理, 2020
Fire plays an important role in studies of paleoclimate change and human activities.Microcharcoal in sediments can indicate the extent,frequency and variation of wildfires throughout geological history.Studies of microcharcoal fires based on pollen methodologies have received extensive attention from researchers,however,statistical approaches to lycopodium spores related to the needs of sporopollen statistics are uncertain,and this may result in the instability of results of microcharcoal.The Lingtai (LT) profile (33°04′ N,107°39′) chosen for this study is located in Lingtai County,Gansu Province,China.16 samples from different layers were selected throughout the 13 m profile (S0~L2),nine of which were in the loess layers and seven in the paleosol layers.All samples were extracted by a standard pollen methodology (adding a known number of lycopodium spores to each sample in order to calculate microcharcoal concentrations).To obtain the number of lycopodium spores that should be counted in microcharcoal research,20 groups were counted for each sample and 50 lycopodium spores for each group,giving a total of 1 000 lycopodium spores.Two distinct shapes of microcharcoal were identified: sub-round (length/width<2.5,R) and sublong (length/width>2.5,L),which respectively represent woody and herb sources.The data were then divided into four groups of grainsize groups: ~10-30 μm,~30-50 μm,~50-100 μm,and >100 μm.Results showed that the percentages and concentrations of microcharcoal in the 20 groups studied were similar but exhibited some fluctuation (standard deviation: 0.06% ~ 8.7%).We compared the data from the first accumulating group (i.e., one group) to the twentieth accumulating group (i.e.,a total of twenty groups),finding that when the total number of lycopodium spores is greater than 500,the accumulated microcharcoal concentration in each sample no longer shows significant change,and the percentages of each grainsize group tend to be stable.When the total number of lycopodium spores is 300 or greater,L/R ratios tend to be stable (standard deviation: ~0.01-0.24; r = 0.87).The results of Spearman correlation analysis of the data are consistent with the above results.Therefore,we suggest that the number of lycopodium spores to be counted in microcharcoal research should be 500±50.Additionally,the microcharcoal concentration range between 2.33 × 103 -5.30 × 104 grains·g-1 has an average of 18 424.34 grains·g-1.The “L/R” ratios range between 0.26 and 2.96,averaging 1.53.Our data show that,since 165 ka,fire events have been more frequent in the Lingtai area,and herbaceous vegetation has been more dominant than woody vegetation.These findings correspond well with the elemental carbon content of the loess-paleosol,indicating that the occurrence of paleo-fires in the area is closely related to environmental change.This study explores the reasonable number of lycopodium spores that should be counted to ensure the quality of data in work based on the standard pollen methodology.The results provide references for statisticians and statistical standards for subsequent studies of microcharcoal in loess-paleosols.
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