

  • 西北师范大学地理与环境科学学院,甘肃兰州730070
王录仓(1967-),男,甘肃天水人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事城乡发展与规划研究. E-mail: wanglc007@nwnu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2018-12-15

  修回日期: 2019-03-09

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-25



Jobbinghousing relationship in central urban area ofYinchuan City based on Baidu heat map

  • College of Geography and Environment Science, Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China

Received date: 2018-12-15

  Revised date: 2019-03-09

  Online published: 2019-07-25


“职”和“住”是城市最基本的功能,职住关系反映了城市秩序与效率。以百度热力图、百度路况图所提供的实时动态大数据为依据,配合城区土地利用现状图,分析了银川市主城区职住关系。结果表明:在一个工作日内,上班时间段内,教育、商业用地上的人口聚集力度更大,而在休息时段,居住用地上的人口聚集状况更明显,二者表现出大致反向的趋势。这意味着上班时段内人口大量离开居住区,百度热力下降;而下班时段又返回居住区,百度热力上升,居民在工作地—居住地间存在着节律性的钟摆式流动。上班时间段内人群高度集中的区域大部分是商务中心、城市综合体、高等院校、医院和物流中心等工作地;休息时段人群高度集聚中心由就业中心转为居住区和休闲购物区,说明整个城区存在一定的职住分离。银川市职—住比介于0.34~3.4之间,职住相对平衡;但区域间差异较大。总体来看,城市中心区比外围区的职住平衡更明显。依据职住比,将职关系划分为基本平衡型、 轻微就业倾向型、 严重就业倾向型、 轻微居住倾向型和严重居住倾向型五类。


王录仓, 常飞 . 基于百度热力图的银川市中心城区职住关系研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2019 , 42(4) : 923 -932 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.04.24


“Job” and “Housing” are the most basic functions of the city,and the relationship between job and housing reflects the order and efficiency of the city.Under the planned economic system of China,under the profound influence of “unit(Danwei) management society”,the relationship between work place and residence was very well matched.After 1992,with the drastic transformation of urban economy and society in China,the situation of separation between work place and residence has become increasingly prominent,which has led to a series of housing,commuting,social equity and other issues.Based on the realtime dynamic big data provided by Baidu Heat Map,Baidu Road Map and the urban landuse map,this paper analyzes the relationship between job and housing in the main urban area of Yinchuan City,Ningxia Province,China.The whole day is divided into five periods (two commuting periods,two working periods and one rest period).The Baidu Heat Map in different periods and for different land use are obtained to depict the population aggregation situation in the main urban area.The results showed that:During the working day,the proportion of the highheat zones was increased significantly from 7:49 AM,especially in the period from 7:49 AM to 9:11 AM,which was closely related to the peak commutes,and then fluctuated upwards,but was basically stable from 9:11 AM to 18:15 PM,which was consistent with the normal working hours.Starting from 18:15 PM,it was dropped sharply,which was commensurate with commuting peak.After 19:38 PM,it started to go up again,and this was a rest period.During the working hours,the population concentration on the educational and commercial lands was stronger,while during the rest period,the population concentration on the residential land is more obvious.Baidu Heat declined when a large number of people left the residential area during the working hours,and rose when they returned to the residential area during the offduty hours,which means that there is a rhythmic pendulum flow between residential areas in the workplace.Residents in the working hours are highly concentrated in business centers,urban complexes,universities,hospitals and logistics centers,etc.During the rest period,the high concentration centers of the population changed from employment centers to residential areas and leisure shopping areas,indicating that there is a certain separation of work and residential areas in the main urban area.According to the ratio of occupation and housing,the relationship between employment and housing is divided into five types: basic balance type,slight employment tendency,serious employment tendency,slight inhabitation tendency and serious residence tendency.Generally speaking,the balance of job and housing in urban central area is more obvious than that in the outlying areas,and there are great differences between functional groups.The south group of Xixia District is an industrial concentrated distribution area,the north is a university concentrated distribution area,so there was a basic balance of residential and employment; the south group of Jinfeng District and the east group of Xingqing District exist a large number of commercial residential areas where living is significantly higher than employment; the northwest group of Xingqing District is the commercial and trade center and so is the old urban area of Yinchuan City,where the employment is more prominent.


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