乌裕尔河流域水环境的变化导致下游湿地迅速退化。探讨了近65 a(1951—2015)扎龙湿地系统对乌裕尔河流域径流量变化的响应。结果表明:乌裕尔河中下游的径流量急剧减少给下游湿地的演替带来明显的影响,上游来水供给不足导致湿地长期处于干旱缺水的状态,湿地水面面积与蓄水量显著减少,并导致扎龙湿地地下水位显著降低(P<0.05)。湿地持续干旱缺水引发此区域大面积的沼泽退化并发生次生盐渍化。近年来,扎龙湿地发育的盐渍土面积达到250 km2以上,并且向核心区蔓延。湿地持续退化对在湿地栖息和繁殖的珍稀水禽带来巨大的冲击。
Change of the hydrological environment in the Wuyur catchments (Helongjiang Province,northeastern China) resulted in the rapid degradation of the wetland in the lower reaches.The hydrological response of the Zhalong saline marsh system to the change of runoffs in the Wuyur catchments was analyzed with the MannKendall test and moving t test method.The results indicated that the runoff entering the wetland was significantly decreased since 1980s,i.e.,the runoffs was decreased from 0.8×108 m3 in 1960s to less than 0.5×108 m3 in the 21st century,with an exception of less than 0.1×108 m3 in 1979 due to lack of precipitation.Change of the runoff in Wuyur catchments caused water shortage and the water area in Zhalong wetland shrunk significantly,and the water level decreased since 2003.The consistent drought and water depletion caused a large area of marsh to be disappeared and generated large area secondary salinization.The area of saline soil was merely 192 km2 in 1950,nevertheless,it was significantly increased up to more than 200 km2 in 1995,and reached 260 km2 in 2010,of which a large portion was located in the core area of the Zhalong wetland.The wetland degradation would bring about great impact on the rare species which habitat and breed in this area.
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