收稿日期: 2023-05-27
修回日期: 2023-06-19
网络出版日期: 2024-01-05
Coupling path identification of industrial structure upgrading and eco-efficiency enhancement in Xining section of Huangshui Basin
Received date: 2023-05-27
Revised date: 2023-06-19
Online published: 2024-01-05
协调好湟水流域产业结构升级与生态保护的关系,对推动黄河流域高质量发展、祁连山生态屏障建设及区域可持续发展意义重大。基于湟水流域西宁段7县区2010—2021年面板数据,运用Super-Undesirable SBM模型和扩展的耦合协调模型对产业结构升级、生态效率提升及两系统耦合协调水平进行测算评价,并借助坐标分类法对路径进行识别。结果表明:(1) 样本区产业结构升级与生态效率提升水平区域差异显著,且呈现出“中心凸出、两边薄弱”的空间分布。(2) 样本区内各县区整体耦合协调水平不高,区域差异显著,且大部分处于过渡耦合阶段,弹性较弱。(3) 产业结构升级固化是该区域耦合协调水平较低的主要制约;耦合路径发展中应重点关注“双低”类型区域,同时避免陷入“低水平协调”陷阱。最后从内部突破资源约束与外部实现制度均衡分配2个维度提出相关发展建议。研究结果可为实现湟水流域西宁段高质量发展提供参考。
陈超超 , 马丁丑 , 陈强强 . 湟水流域西宁段产业结构升级与生态效率提升的耦合路径识别[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(12) : 2042 -2051 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.245
This study utilizes panel data spanning 2010 to 2021 from seven counties and districts within the Xining section of the Huangshui Basin. Employing the Super-Undesirable SBM model and an extended coupling coordination model, we assess the levels of industrial structure upgrading and ecological efficiency enhancement. Additionally, we evaluate the coupling coordination between these two systems, identifying optimal paths through the coordinate classification method. The findings reveal: (1) Substantial regional variations exist in both industrial structure upgrading and ecological efficiency enhancement across the sample area. The spatial distribution exhibits a pattern of prominence in the center and weakness on the sides. (2) The overall coupling and coordination levels among the counties and districts demonstrate a lack of high coherence, marked by significant regional disparities. Most areas fall into the transitional coupling stage with weak elasticity. (3) The solidification of industrial structure upgrading emerges as the primary impediment to achieving a higher level of coupling coordination in the region. Developing coupling paths should prioritize regions characterized by the “double-low” type, steering clear of the pitfalls associated with “low-level coordination”. In conclusion, this study recommends internal breakthroughs to address resource constraints and external strategies to achieve a balanced distribution within the systems.
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