收稿日期: 2022-12-01
修回日期: 2022-12-31
网络出版日期: 2023-09-28
Spatiotemporal evolutionary characteristics and coordinated development of urban ecological resilience and efficiency in the Yellow River Basin
Received date: 2022-12-01
Revised date: 2022-12-31
Online published: 2023-09-28
提升城市生态韧性和生态效率,促进二者间协同发展是实现黄河流域生态治理的重要目标。以黄河流域57个城市为研究靶区,运用加权求和法、SBM模型研究了2009—2018年黄河流域生态韧性与效率时空演化特征,并运用耦合协调模型分析了流域城市生态韧性与效率的协调发展关系。结果表明:(1) 2009—2018年,黄河流域城市生态韧性总体上处于波动下降态势,面临较大的生态威胁和环保压力。西安市、郑州市和济南市3个省会城市生态韧性较高,而固原市、定西市、海东市、吕梁市等城市韧性较低。(2) 黄河流域城市生态效率呈先降后升高的“U”形演化特征。定西市、陇南市、庆阳市、鄂尔多斯市、固原市和洛阳市为生态效率高等类型,生态效率低等类型主要位于中、下游的山西省、河南省和山东省内的城市。(3) 生态韧性与效率协调关系与生态效率子系统相似,由不断下滑转向逐步回升。良好协调、中度协调型城市数量有所增加,勉强协调型城市有所减少,黄河流域城市生态韧性与效率协调发展势头显现,但短期内经济发展与环境保护间的矛盾仍较突出。研究结果可为黄河流域城市生态政策制定、生态韧性和效率提高提供理论参考。
周成 , 赵亚玲 , 张旭红 , 周霖 , 任敏敏 . 黄河流域城市生态韧性与效率时空演化特征及协调发展分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(9) : 1514 -1523 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.633
Improving urban ecological resilience and efficiency, and promoting coordinated development between these two systems are the primary objectives of ecological governance in the Yellow River Basin, China. Considering 57 cities in the Yellow River Basin as the research target, this study analyzed the spatial and temporal evolutionary characteristics of urban ecological resilience and efficiency based on the weighted summation method and the slacks-based measurement (SBM) model for the period from 2009 to 2018. Furthermore, a coupled coordination model was employed to analyze the coordinated development of urban ecological resilience and efficiency in cities along the Yellow River Basin. The study results showed the following: (1) During the study period, the urban ecological resilience of cities along the Yellow River Basin had a fluctuating declining trend overall, and these cities faced greater ecological threats and environmental pressures. Xi’an, Zhengzhou, and Jinan City are three provincial capitals that show high urban ecological resilience, whereas Guyuan, Dingxi, Haidong, and Lüliang City showed low urban ecological resilience. (2) The urban ecological efficiency of cities along the Yellow River Basin was generally characterized by a “U”-shaped evolution; in other words, the efficiency first decreased and subsequently increased. Dingxi, Longnan, Qingyang, Ordos, Guyuan, and Luoyang City showed a high level of urban ecological efficiency, while cities with low urban ecological efficiency were mainly located in Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong provinces in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River. (3) The coordination relationship between ecological resilience and efficiency is similar to that of the ecological efficiency subsystem, which changed from a continuous decline to a gradual recovery. During the study period, the number of cities with good and moderate coordination between urban ecological resilience and efficiency increased, while the number of cities with poor coordination decreased. Furthermore, while the coordinated development momentum of ecological resilience and efficiency of cities in the basin is apparent, the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection continues to be prominent in the short term. Thus, results of this study contribute to the knowledge base regarding the formulation of ecological policies, improvement of urban ecological resilience, and promotion of urban ecological efficiency in cities in the Yellow River Basin.
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