收稿日期: 2022-04-15
修回日期: 2022-06-27
网络出版日期: 2023-02-21
Spatiotemporal differentiation characteristics of coupled coordination development of Xinjiang land ports and port-counties
Received date: 2022-04-15
Revised date: 2022-06-27
Online published: 2023-02-21
推动边境口岸与载体城镇协调发展是高质量发展“口岸经济带”的重要内容。运用熵权法和耦合协调模型对2009—2019年新疆陆路口岸与载体城镇耦合协调水平演进的时空特征进行度量。结果表明:(1) 新疆主要陆路口岸与载体城镇综合发展水平总体稳步上升,2015年后两系统综合发展的动力由口岸先导逐渐切换到载体城镇先导,过度依赖进出口数量是口岸经济增速放缓的主要原因。(2) 新疆主要陆路口岸与载体城镇的耦合协调水平整体趋于优化,耦合协调水平可以分为3类:以阿拉山口口岸代表的良好协调型口岸、以巴克图口岸代表的初级协调型口岸、以塔克什肯口岸为代表的勉强协调型口岸。(3) 从空间上来看,新疆陆路口岸经济发展格局正在朝阿拉山口口岸与霍尔果斯口岸并重、南北疆多口岸均衡发展的空间格局演进,但部分载体城镇社会经济发展比较落后,限制了与口岸协调发展水平进一步提升。
李雪梅 , 刘贺贺 . 新疆陆路口岸与载体城镇耦合协调发展的时空分异特征[J]. 干旱区地理, 2023 , 46(1) : 149 -158 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.159
The coordination development of land ports and port-counties is a key component of developing port economic belts with high quality. Using the entropy weight method and coupling coordination model, we analyze the spatiotemporal characteristics of the coupling coordination development of Xinjiang land ports and port- counties in China from 2009 to 2019. The findings are as follows: (1) The overall development of Xinjiang land ports and port-counties can be divided into two phases: one was oriented by land ports, and the other by port- counties. The land port development has moderated as the number of cargoes imported and exported has decreased. (2) The coupling coordination development of Xinjiang land ports and port-counties has improved and can be divided into three levels: sound coordinated development represented by the Alashankou port; primary coordinated development by the Baketu port; barely coordinated development by the Taykexkin port. (3) The Xinjiang land port development pattern is evolving into a new pattern with the Alashankou and Khorgas ports as its core and other land ports as its wings. However, some port-counties are antiquated, which restricts the further improvement of coordinated development.
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