基于Alpha Shape算法的分散式乡村聚落形状划分及其形成研究——以米脂县龙镇为例
收稿日期: 2021-07-19
修回日期: 2021-12-10
网络出版日期: 2022-05-31
Morphological types division and its formation of dispersed rural settlements based on Alpha Shape: A case of Long Town, Mizhi County
Received date: 2021-07-19
Revised date: 2021-12-10
Online published: 2022-05-31
为了定量划分分散式乡村聚落的形状类型并探究其形成原因,以陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区米脂县龙镇为例,尝试使用Alpha Shape算法对聚落形状进行提取,通过Boyce-Clark指数计算并划分聚落形状类型,最后结合多元线性回归和回归树的方法探究影响聚落形状的因素。结果表明:100 m滚动半径下,Alpha Shape算法能够提取76.1%聚落的精确轮廓;研究区乡村聚落形状类型可以分为块状矩形及其变种、延伸形、哑铃形和串珠形、带状矩形及其组合、线形5种,Boyce-Clark指数依次增加;高程和Boyce-Clark指数呈显著正相关,水资源可获取性与Boyce-Clark指数在高海拔地区呈负相关,聚落面积与Boyce-Clark指数先呈负相关后呈正相关。研究结果可为分散式聚落生活空间边界的划定提供参考,增进对黄土丘陵沟壑区分散式聚落形态的认识。
关键词: 乡村聚落; 形状类型; Alpha Shape算法; Boyce-Clark指数; 黄土丘陵沟壑区
王天宇 , 惠怡安 , 芮盼盼 , 师莹 . 基于Alpha Shape算法的分散式乡村聚落形状划分及其形成研究——以米脂县龙镇为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(3) : 946 -954 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.328
To quantitatively classify the morphological types of dispersed rural settlements and explore the reasons for their formation, this study cites Long Town, Mizhi County, loess hilly-gully region in northern Shaanxi of China as an example, attempting to use Alpha Shape algorithm to extract the settlement contour, calculate and classify the settlement contour type using the Boyce-Clark index, and finally explore the factors that affect the settlement contour by combining numerous linear regression and regression tree methods. The results show that: with a rolling radius of 100 m, the Alpha Shape algorithm can extract 76.1% of the accurate contours of the settlements; the types of rural settlements in the study area can be divided into five types: block rectangle and its variants, extension, dumbbell and bead, ribbon rectangle and its combination, and linear. The Boyce-Clark index increases continuously; elevation and shape index are positively connected, water availability and shape index are negatively connected in high altitude areas, settlement area and shape index are first negatively connected and then positively connected. This study provides a reference for the delineation of the living space boundary of dispersed settlements and enhances the understanding of dispersed settlements in loess hilly-gully areas.
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