收稿日期: 2021-06-09
修回日期: 2021-09-01
网络出版日期: 2022-04-02
Spatial migration characteristics and ecological impacts of ecological migrants in arid regions: A case of Gulang County, Gansu Province
Received date: 2021-06-09
Revised date: 2021-09-01
Online published: 2022-04-02
生态移民是西部乡村振兴及区域生态保护与修复的有效途径之一,探究生态移民空间迁移特征与生态影响,有助于区域减贫和生态文明建设。以典型的西北干旱生态移民搬迁区域为例,从县域空间视角出发,通过计算土地利用转移矩阵、动态度、利用归一化植被指数(Normalized difference vegetation index,NDVI)和植被恢复度(Vegetation restoration degree,VRD)等方法,系统分析2010—2018年古浪县生态移民空间迁移和植被恢复的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1) 2010—2018年生态移民空间迁移特征表现为地势由高到低、坡度由陡到缓,交通导向和空间聚集,共计移民6.24×104人,占全县常住人口的20.20%。(2) 2010—2018年研究区NDVI在时空上呈现南部迁出地持续增长,北部迁入地先降后升的“V”型趋势。整体移民区NDVI最小值从0.10增至0.15,增加50.00%、NDVI最大值从0.52增至0.72,增加38.46%;移民安置区NDVI最小值从0.10减至0.09,减少10.00%、NDVI最大值从0.66增至0.72,增加9.09%。(3) 研究区NDVI平均值和VRD呈现持续快速上升趋势,生态移民对生态环境保护效果显著。其中,南部整体移民区保护效果最为明显,其NDVI平均值从0.19增至0.42,增加121.05%,VRD从0.26增至0.75,增加188.46%。
张伟 , 周亮 , 孙东琪 , 胡凤宁 . 干旱区生态移民空间迁移特征与生态影响——以甘肃省古浪县为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(2) : 618 -627 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.263
Ecological migration is one of the effective ways for rural revitalization and regional ecological protection and restoration in western China. Exploring the spatial characteristics and ecological impacts of ecological migrants can contribute to regional poverty reduction and ecological civilization construction. Herein, we select Gulang County in Gansu Province, which has sensitive ecological characteristics in arid areas, special resettlement sites, and many migrants. From the spatial perspective at the county level, we innovatively use indicators, such as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and vegetation restoration degree (VRD) intrinsically relevant to ecological migration. Combining the statistical yearbook, land use data, ecological migration information, and MODIS remote sensing data obtained from field research. The spatiotemporal characteristics and ecological impacts of ecological migration and vegetation restoration policies in Gulang County from 2010 to 2018 were systematically analyzed by calculating the land use transfer matrix, NDVI, and VRD. This study aims at providing a reference for the scientific formulation of ecological migration policies for relevant agencies in arid areas. The results of this study are as follows. (1) The ecological migrants from 2010 to 2018 are spatially characterized by the tendency of high to low terrain, steep to gentle slope, traffic-oriented, and spatial aggregation, with a total of 6.24×104 migrants, accounting for 20.20% of the county’s resident population. (2) From 2010 to 2018, the NDVI of the study area continuously increased in the southern migrant areas and decreased and then increased in the northern migrant areas. The minimum NDVI value in the overall migration area increased from 0.10 to 0.15, and the maximum NDVI value increased from 0.52 to 0.72. The minimum NDVI value in the resettlement area decreased from 0.10 to 0.09, and the maximum NDVI value increased from 0.66 to 0.72. (3) The mean NDVI and VRD in the study area show a continuous and rapid increasing trend, indicating that the ecological migrants significantly affect ecological protection. The most obvious protection effect was observed in the southern part of the study area, with the NDVI mean value increasing from 0.19 to 0.42 and the VRD mean value increasing from 0.26 to 0.75. Ecological migration in arid areas is an effective approach to improve the regional ecological environment. However, it reduces the pressure of population overload in mountainous areas. Additionally, it combines resettlement with low-quality land resources, such as wastelands and deserts, to effectively reduce the damage to the ecological environment caused by human activities. Therefore, how to better use the ecological migration to improve the ecological environment in sensitive and fragile areas and achieve rural revitalization and promote sustainable development in rural areas is also a key issue in the contemporary world seeking a balance between ecological protection and rural revitalization.
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