收稿日期: 2021-04-26
修回日期: 2021-06-09
网络出版日期: 2022-01-21
Spatiotemporal evolution and function of the coordination level of the multi-system of rural tourism public service in China
Received date: 2021-04-26
Revised date: 2021-06-09
Online published: 2022-01-21
通过建构五元系统耦合模型对2007—2018年我国30个省(区、市)乡村旅游公共信息服务、安全保障服务、交通便捷服务、惠民便民服务、公共行政服务协调度进行测算,运用动态演化模型考察了五元子系统运行结果状态及其线性速度演化过程,并通过定性比较法探索了五元系统耦合协调发展的作用机制。研究发现:(1) 我国乡村旅游公共服务五元系统耦合协调度水平整体偏低,存在系统协调失衡问题。空间上呈现非均衡化态势,主要缘于东中西地区内及其交叉重叠产生的差异影响。(2) 五元系统耦合度空间结构演化呈现多极化趋势,且耦合度线性演化速度趋势符合边际效用递减规律,具体热点区呈现快慢交替的周期性特征,温点区步入边际效应递增向递减过渡时期,冷点区则进入上升周期。(3) 五元子系统整体改善明显,但各系统间仍存在较大差异,且各子系统主导因素也不尽相同,亦成为乡村旅游公共服务耦合度偏低的重要原因。(4) 我国乡村旅游公共服务系统多元协调发展是五大系统共同作用的结果,信息服务是敏感因子,安全服务是非敏感因子,交通服务是基础因子,惠民服务是内部支撑力,行政服务是外部支撑力。
关键词: 乡村旅游; 旅游公共服务; 耦合; Bayesian层次时空模型
张新成 , 高楠 , 王琳艳 . 我国乡村旅游公共服务多元系统协同水平时空演化及其作用机制分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(1) : 298 -309 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.190
The degree of coordination of rural tourism public information services, security services, convenient transportation services, people-friendly services, and public administrative services in 30 Chinese provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) from 2007 to 2018 was measured using a five-element system coupling model, and the application dynamics were investigated. The evolution model examines the state of the five-element subsystem’s operating results and its linear velocity evolution process and explores the mechanism of the five-element system’s coupled and coordinated development through the qualitative comparison method. The study discovered that: (1) the overall level of coupling and coordination of the five-element system of rural tourism public services across the country is low, and there is a problem of system coordination imbalance. The unbalanced situation in space is mainly due to the different influences in the east, middle and west regions and their overlap. (2) The spatial structure evolution of the coupling degree of the five-element system exhibits a multi-polarization trend, and the linear evolution speed trend of the coupling degree is consistent with the law of diminishing marginal utility. The specific hotspot area presents the periodic characteristics of alternating fast and slow, and the temperature spot area enters the increasing direction of marginal effect. The cold spot area begins an upward cycle during the decreasing transition period. (3) Although there has been an overall improvement in the five-element subsystem, there are still significant differences between the systems, and the leading factors of each subsystem are also distinct, which has become an important reason for the low coupling of rural tourism public services. (4) The diversified and coordinated development of the national rural tourism public service system is the result of the joint action of the five major systems. Information services are sensitive factors, safety services are non-sensitive factors, transportation services are primary factors, people-benefiting services are internal support forces, and administrative services are external support forces.
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