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干旱区地理 ›› 2013, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 645-954.

• 生物与土壤 • 上一篇    下一篇


富广强1,李志华1,王建永1,王绍明2,王慧莉1,Asfa Batool1,熊友才1   

  1. 1    兰州大学生命科学学院干旱农业生态研究所/草地农业生态系统国家重点实验室, 甘肃    兰州    730000;2    新疆石河子大学生命科学学院, 新疆    石河子    823000
  • 收稿日期:2012-12-06 修回日期:2013-02-11 出版日期:2013-07-25
  • 通讯作者: 熊友才,男,湖北武汉人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业生态学及生态系统生态学研究. Email:xiongyc@lzu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:富广强(1982-),男,新疆喀什人,少数民族高层次骨干人才计划硕士研究生,研究方向为土壤盐渍化及水盐运移. Email:xjks6zjwk@sina.com
  • 基金资助:


Effects of seasonal freeze thawing on water and salt movement in saline lands

FU  Guang-qiang1,LI  Zhi-hua1,WANG  Jian-yong1,WANG  Shao-ming2,WANG  Hui-li1,BATOOL  Asfa1,XIONG  You-cai1   

  1. 1   State  Key  Laboratory  of  Grassland  Agro-ecosystems, Institute  of  Arid  Agroecology, School  of  Life  Sciences, Lanzhou  University,Lanzhou  730000, Gansu, China;   2   School  of  Life  Sciences, Shihezi  University, Shihezi  832000, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2012-12-06 Revised:2013-02-11 Online:2013-07-25

摘要: 季节性冻融是干旱区土壤盐碱化形成的主要驱动因子,但冻融过程中土壤水盐耦合关系及热量调控机理仍不清楚。通过分析2009年11月~2010年5月新疆玛纳斯河流域典型盐荒地季节性冻融过程中土壤剖面160 cm以内的水分、盐分和温度动态变化,探讨了不同土层冻融过程中水热盐的耦合关系。结果表明:土壤最大冻结深度为150 cm左右,表土层(0~40 cm)温度与气温关系密切;土壤剖面水分呈现“C”型垂直分布,表土层和底土层(100~160 cm)含水量较大,而心土层(40~100 cm)含水量不足10%,土层平均含水率在冻融前期增加了12.91%,而在初蒸期减少了10.01%;土壤剖面盐分在冻结期和初蒸期表聚作用明显,心土层和底土层含盐量稳定,土壤剖面含盐量表现为“积盐-脱盐-再积盐”的变化过程。水热盐之间具有高度协同性,心土层和底土层表现为水盐相随、而表土层为水去盐留的耦合特征,热量传输是调控水盐运移的关键因素。

关键词: 季节性冻融; , 水盐运移; , 积盐; , 调控机理; , 玛纳斯河流域

Abstract: The main driving factor of soil salinization in the arid is seasonal freezing and thawing but the coupling relationship of freezing and thawing in soil water,salt and heat regulation mechanism are still unclear. In this paper the typical saline soil was selected,and collected the data from Manas River Basin,Xinjiang,China,to analyze the dynamic changes of water,salt and temperature at 160 cm soil profile from November 2009 to May 2010,further to investigate the hydrothermal and salt coupling effect between the different soil layers in freezing and thawing processes. Results showed as follows:the most soil freezing depth is 150 cm and its temperature is closely related to the temperature of the surface soil (0-40 cm); moisture contents showed the "C" distribution pattern,the topsoil and subsoil (100-160 cm) have a high moisture and the inner soil layer’s (40-100 cm) have water contents less than 10%,in the freeze-thaw period,there was an average soil water content increased up to 12.91% and the beginning of the steamed period decreased to 10.01%. While the salinity was significantly gathered at the surface of the soil profile in the freezing period and beginning of steaming period,the inner soil and subsoil salt contents were stable,the whole process for soil salt contents appeared as salt accumulation - desalination - salt accumulation in the process of changes. The study found through hydrothermal and salt analysis that the heat transfer is a key factor in regulating water and salt transport with high degree of energy between the salt and water,furthermore,salt and water performance in the inner soil and subsoil goes side by side and the surface soil water removes by leaving the salt on it. In connection with the mechanism for seasonal water and salt transport in the study area,the research found a comprehensive set of methods to deal with the problems which caused by seasonal freezing and thawing of soil salinization.

Key words: freeze thawing, water and salt movement, salt enrichment, regulatory mechanism, Manas River watersheda


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