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干旱区地理 ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (12): 1991-2004.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.046 cstr: 32274.14.ALG2024046

• 生物与环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


张红伟1,2,3,4(), 何清4(), 杨明凤2, 安冬亮2,3, 吴春霞2,3, 王进2,3, 陈非凡1,2,3,4   

  1. 1.新疆大学生态与环境学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046
    2.乌兰乌苏农业气象试验站/乌兰乌苏生态与农业气象新疆野外科学观测研究站/乌兰乌苏国家综合气象观测专项试验外场基地,新疆 沙湾 832199
    3.石河子气象局,新疆 石河子 832000
    4.中国气象局乌鲁木齐沙漠气象研究所/新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠气象国家野外科学观测研究站/中国气象局塔克拉玛干沙漠气象野外科学试验基地/新疆维吾尔自治区沙漠气象与沙尘暴重点实验室,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-22 修回日期:2024-03-12 出版日期:2024-12-25 发布日期:2025-01-02
  • 通讯作者: 何清(1965-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事沙漠气象研究. E-mail: qinghe@idm.cn
  • 作者简介:张红伟(1997-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事陆面过程研究. E-mail: ersan@stu.xju.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Radiation expenditure characteristics of oasis farmland in Shihezi reclamation area

ZHANG Hongwei1,2,3,4(), HE Qing4(), YANG Mingfeng2, AN Dongliang2,3, WU Chunxia2,3, WANG Jin2,3, CHEN Feifan1,2,3,4   

  1. 1. College of Ecology and the Environment, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, Xinjiang, China
    2. Wulanwusu Special Test Field base of National Integrated Meteorological Observation/Wulanwusu Ecology and Agrometeorology Observation and Research Station of Xinjiang/Wulanwusu Agrometeorological Experiment Station, Shawan 832199, Xinjiang, China
    3. Shihezi Meteorological Bureau, Shihezi 832000, Xinjiang, China
    4. Institute of Desert Meteorological, China Meteorological Administration/National Observation and Research Station of Desert Meteorological, Taklimakan Desert of Xinjiang/Taklimakan Desert Meteorology Field Experiment Station of China Meteorological Administration/Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Desert Meteorology and Sandstorm, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang, China
  • Received:2024-01-22 Revised:2024-03-12 Published:2024-12-25 Online:2025-01-02


绿洲农田是干旱半干旱区特有的生态系统,研究农田地表辐射收支对理解区域能量平衡及气候形成机制具有重要意义。利用石河子垦区乌兰乌苏农业气象试验站2021年4月—2022年3月在绿洲农田下垫面的观测数据,分析石河子垦区绿洲农田下垫面辐射分量和地表反照率的变化特征,将种植不同作物(棉花和玉米)农田地表的辐射分量进行对比,又与同区域的裸地进行了差异性分析。结果表明:(1)石河子垦区绿洲农田下垫面向下的短波和长波辐射、向上长波辐射和净辐射的日均值在生长发育期高于非生长发育期,向上短波辐射冬季最大,振幅变化亦同。(2)在同区域绿洲农田下垫面上种植不同农作物对向下的短波和长波辐射影响较小,在植物生长发育期,对向上的短波和长波辐射以及净辐射的影响显著,日均值最大相差分别为33.74 W·m-2、54.82 W·m-2和65.98 W·m-2,种植作物农田和裸地的净辐射差异最为明显,农田相较于裸地其日峰值出现的时刻有滞后效应,滞后约1 h。(3)裸地净辐射年曝辐量与棉田相差1147.8 MJ·m-2,与玉米田相差1519.7 MJ·m-2。(4)裸地、棉田和玉米田的地表反照率均表现为冬月较大,其年均值分别为0.34、0.23和0.25,裸地的地表反照率年均值高于有农作物种植的农田下垫面,最大相差0.11,降雨过程会使地表反照率减小,而降雪过程则相反。

关键词: 绿洲农田下垫面, 地表辐射收支, 地表反照率, 石河子垦区


Oasis farmland is a unique ecosystem in arid and semi-arid regions, making the study of energy balance and climate formation mechanisms highly significant. Using observational data from oasis farmland in the Shihezi reclamation area, Xinjiang, China collected between April 2021 and March 2022, this study analyzed the variation characteristics of radiation components and surface albedo in oasis subpads. It compared the radiation components over different crop types (cotton and corn) and performed a differential analysis with bare land in the same area. The results indicate the following: (1) The daily means of downward shortwave and longwave radiation, upward longwave radiation, and net radiation on the underlying surface of oasis farmland were higher during the growth period than during the non-growth period. Upward shortwave radiation was maximal in winter, exhibiting the largest amplitude changes during this season. (2) Within the same area, oasis farmland under different crop types exhibited variations in radiation components during the plant growth and development phases. The daily average maximum differences in upward shortwave radiation, longwave radiation, and net radiation were 33.74 W·m-2, 54.82 W·m-2, and 65.98 W·m-2, respectively. The difference in net radiation between farmland with crops and bare land was particularly pronounced, with a lag effect of approximately 1 hour in the daily peak radiation time for farmland compared to bare land. (3) The annual net radiation exposure of bare land differed by 1147.8 MJ·m-2 compared to cotton fields and by 1519.7 MJ·m-2 compared to corn fields. (4) The surface albedo of bare land, cotton fields, and corn fields was highest in winter, with annual averages of 0.34, 0.23, and 0.25, respectively. The annual average surface albedo of bare land exceeded that of farmland with crops, with a maximum difference of 0.11. Rainfall events reduced surface albedo, while snowfall increased it.

Key words: oasis farmland underlying surface, surface radiation expenditure, surface albedo, Shihezi reclamation area