Climatology and Hydrology

Characteristics of slope runoff and sediment of different vegetation restoration patterns under individual rainfall events in hilly and gully loess region in middle Gansu Province

  • 1 College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering,Gansu Agricultural University,Lanzhou 730070,Gansu,China;
    2 Soil and Water Conservation Bureau,Gansu Provincial Water Resources Department,Lanzhou 730030,Gansu,China

Received date: 2019-09-05

  Revised date: 2020-05-07

  Online published: 2020-11-18


Observations of rainfall infiltration,runoff,and sediment of different vegetation restoration patterns were made at the Tangyuhe runoff plot in Qingshui County,Gansu Province,China from 2015 to 2017. This runoff plot contains complex arbor and bush land,bush forest,arbor forest,and grassland. Our results show that the relationship between the amount of soil infiltration for different vegetation restoration patterns and rainfall intensity followed a quadratic function,as critical rainfall intensity produced the largest infiltration amount. Meanwhile,the relation between the infiltration rate and rainfall duration can be described using the power function,which coincided with the Kostiakov infiltration model. The runoff rate of different vegetation restoration patterns ranged from 0.033 cm·min-1 to 0.036 cm·min-1. In contrast,bare land had a runoff rate of 0.079 cm·min-1. The runoff reduction rate of different vegetation restoration patterns was approximately 54% to 58% compared with bare land. The relation between the runoff rate and rainfall intensity can be expressed as a quadratic function(R2>0.88),which was induced primarily by rainfall intensity. The order,from highest to lowest,of average sediment concentration was as follows:complex arbor and bush land (3.13 g·L-1)>bush forest (2.95 g·L-1)>arbor forest (2.79 g·L-1)>grassland (2.58 g·L-1). The relation between sediment concentration and rainfall intensity can be expressed as a linear increasing function. The sediment yield of bare land reached 2.558 t·hm-2,which is 43 to 57 times higher than that of vegetation plots (P<0.05). The sediment reduction rate of each vegetation plot was between 93% and 94%,and the benefit of sediment reduction was greater than that of runoff reduction. The relationship between soil loss and rainfall erosivity can be expressed as a linear increasing function,while the relationship between runoff rate and rate of sediment yield displayed a very significant positive correlation (P<0.01),which can be stated as a quadratic function. These results are relevant for optimizing the configuration of water and soil conservation in the loess hilly regions and gully regions.

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ZHU Yan-qin, ZHAO Zhi-bin, QI Guang-ping, KANG Yan-xia, ZHAO-xia . Characteristics of slope runoff and sediment of different vegetation restoration patterns under individual rainfall events in hilly and gully loess region in middle Gansu Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2020 , 43(4) : 920 -927 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.04.07


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