Influence of urbanization and lake wetland restoration on the climate evolution in Yinchuan City

  • (1 Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,Jiangsu,China;  2 Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster Preventing and Reducing in Ningxia,Yinchuan 750002,Ningxia,China )  

Received date: 2018-12-09

  Revised date: 2019-03-15

  Online published: 2019-05-18


In recent years,restoration and reconstruction work has been carry out for degraded ecosystem of Yinchuan City,Ningxia Province,China surrounding ecological environment construction and the needs of the development of the circular economy.The area of lakes and wetland in Yinchuan City increased from 1.1 ten thousand hectares to 4.7 ten thousand hectares just between 1981 and 2010.The lakes wetland effectively improved the urban ecological environment.And the main factors influencing the urban climate change including topography,the climate background that determined by location,the changes of meteorological elements caused by global climate change and the changes of urbanization and lake wetland,etc.But so far,the assessment about the impact of the evolution of urbanization and lakes wetland to climate change has been not carry out in Yinchuan.Analysis of the impact of urbanization and the restoration of lakes wetland to the climate evolution of Yinchuan City using the date including temperature,precipitation and relative humidity about of Yinchuaun and Mahuang Mountain weather station during 19612015.The results show that with the rapid process of urbanization of Yinchuan,the degree of climate warming and drying was aggravated.The effect of restoration and reconstruction of lake and wetland significantly was weaker than the impact of the urbanization on the climate.Since 1961,the rising rate of annual average temperature of Yinchuan station is 0.46 per 10 years,faster than Mahuang Mountain stands 0.16 per 10 years,Compared with Mahuang Mountain station,annual average temperature of the Yinchuan rise by 1.1 .Especially increased by 0.8 and 0.5 in recent 15 years and 5 years respectively,annual average temperature e rises quickly in winter and is relatively stable in summer,annual temperature range decreases.About the extreme temperature,the rising rate of minimum temperature of Yinchuan station is 0.51 per 10 years,faster than maximum temperature stands 0.36 per 10 years.In recent 55 years,there is a downward trend of relative humidity of Yinchuan stationwith the increment 1.9% per 10 years.The change of relative humidity was not have an obvious trend of Mahuang Mountain station.Since the mid1970s,the annual average air relative humidity decreased by 11.2% in Yinchuan,It shows that the effect of restoration and reconstruction of lake and wetland significantly stronger than the impact of urbanization on the relative humidity of atmosphere.The annual precipitation of the Yinchuan and Mahuang Mountain station has a decrease trendthe climate tendency rate were 10.3 mm and 1.0 mm per 10 years respectively.The decline about the annual precipitation of Yinchuan station is lower than the Mahuang Mountain station.Influenced by the urbanization and restoration of lakes wetland,compared with Mahuang Mountain station,the annual precipitation has a slowly decreasing trend.The urbanization and restoration of lakes wetland played a significant role in reduced precipitation of Yinchuan City.

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TAN Hua, ZHI Hai, LI Yanchun, CHEN Nan, YANG Yali .

Influence of urbanization and lake wetland restoration on the climate evolution in Yinchuan City[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(3) : 509 -516 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.03.06


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