Spatial pattern and influencing factors of the competitiveness of inbound tourism destinations in Inner Mongolia

  • (1 Inner Mongolia Finance and Economics College,Hohhot 010070,Inner Mongolia, China;2 College of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Northwest University,Xi’an 710127,Shaanxi,China;3 Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics,Hohhot 010070,Inner Mongolia ,China;)

Online published: 2019-03-07


Based on the social and economic statistical data, tourism development data and space vector data of 89 counties in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, the evaluation framework and its index system about the inbound tourism destination competitiveness were established from three aspects, namely tourism resources attraction, tourism industry strength and tourist reception ability, using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to determine weights, the function model method to calculate the competitiveness index, the ArcGIS software package to analyze the spatial pattern, and the obstacle degree model to analyze competitive obstacle factors and its mechanism of action. The conclusion is summarized as follows: (1) The tourism resources attraction and tourism industrial strength showed a spatial pattern as having the highest value in the west areas, the high value in the east areas, and the low value in the middle areas, while the tourist reception ability presents fragmentation characteristics from space distribution perspective; (2) The overall competitiveness displayed the following spatial pattern: the west is higher than the east, the east is higher than the middle, and the more competitive counties are distributed in the fringe areas of Inner Mongolia; (3) the counties with the strongest competitiveness and stronger competitiveness formed two competitive agglomeration areas in the Midwest and the east; (4) The index of obstacle degree in the criterion layer is listed in a descending order as follows: tourism resource attraction, tourism industry strength, tourist reception ability; from the perspective of the index of obstacle degree, the top five single indicators are: quality of tourism resources, tourism foreign exchange income, tourism economy connection strength, the number of employees in the hospitality industry, the number of international travel agency; (5) The wide difference existed in the tourism resources attraction and the tourist reception ability is the main reason causing the imbalance of tourism competitiveness about the inbound tourism destination in Inner Mongolia, while the difference in the tourism industry intensified the competitive differentiation.

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LI Wen-long, LYU Jun, WANG Shan . Spatial pattern and influencing factors of the competitiveness of inbound tourism destinations in Inner Mongolia[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(2) : 404 -413 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.02.20


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