Spatial and temporal variations of drought in northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains based on standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index

  • 1. College of Geography Science and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, Shaanxi, China;
    2. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Geography Education(Shaanxi Normal University Normal University), Xi'an 710119,Shaanxi, China

Received date: 2018-01-22

  Revised date: 2018-05-14


Drought disaster is one of the significant natural disasters in the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains,and it affects people's daily life and social production to different degrees.In this paper,based on the observed meteorological data from 47 meteorological stations in the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains from 1960 to 2016,and using standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) at different scales as one month,three months and twelve months,combined with M-K method and ArcGIS spatial visualized analysis,we analyzed the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics of the frequency and intensity of drought at different time scales in the Qinling Mountains,and revealed the drought causes.The results showed that the SPEI value effectively reflected the drought characteristics,and the evolution of the dry and wet of the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains.As the time scale got increased,the amplitude of the SPEI was decreased and drought frequency was decreased.From the standpoint of time,there was an obviously growing trend in frequency of drought in recent 57 years,especially in the 1990s,the most significant area of drought is the northern of Qinling Mountains,but in the latest 22 years,it began with the trend of humidification in both the northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains.From the seasonal perspective,most parts of the region tend to be droughty in all seasons,the trend of drought was the most significant in autumn,followed by spring,winter and summer drought.From the standpoint of space,drought occurred in both the northern and southern regions with a significant difference in different regions.The frequency of drought occurrence in the northern of Qinling Mountains is high,and the spatial distribution of drought frequency in other sub-regions is more complicated.It is mainly due to the non-uniform distribution of temperature and precipitation,coupled with the influence of the Qinling Mountains.The drought intensity distribution showed higher values in the mid-west region,and lower values around the Mountains.The maximum drought intensity value of 14.7% was recorded in Shiquan,Shaanxi Province,and the minimum,23.6%,occurred in Yanzhong,Sichuan Province.The intensity of drought in the rest of the region is between 17%-22%.The changes in temperature and precipitation have a significant impact on the drought in the northern and southern regions of the Qinling Mountains,the El Nino phenomenon is closely related to drought and the influence of special geographical location.

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GAO Tao-tao, YIN Shu-yan, WANG Shui-xia . Spatial and temporal variations of drought in northern and southern regions of Qinling Mountains based on standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2018 , 41(4) : 761 -770 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2018.04.11


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