Spatial pattern and influencing factors of key rural tourism villages in Ningxia
Received date: 2023-12-27
Revised date: 2024-03-02
Online published: 2024-12-03
Establishing key villages as the cornerstone of rural tourism is a pivotal strategy for advancing comprehensive rural revitalization at a higher level. Identifying the spatial pattern and influencing factors of these villages can provide a scientific basis for enhancing rural tourism quality and achieving revitalization goals. This study focuses on 94 key rural tourism villages in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, China, using data from digital elevation models, meteorological data, tourism resources, and socio-economic development indicators. ArcGIS software was employed to integrate various spatial analysis models to explore the spatial patterns and influencing factors of these villages. The results indicate that: (1) The key rural tourism villages in Ningxia exhibit a clustered distribution with significant spatial variability. These villages are predominantly concentrated in an elliptical area with a deviation rate of 0.71 and an angle of 1.74°, forming a “double nucleus” distribution pattern. The northern nucleus shows mature growth, while the southern nucleus is in an embryonic stage of development. (2) There are notable differences in the natural and human geographic spaces among key rural tourism villages in Ningxia. The number of key villages is negatively correlated with altitude and slope. Land resource utilization is primarily focused on agricultural land, and expressways serve as the main mode of rapid and accessible transportation. Generally, key villages are densely distributed in the Ningxia Yellow River Economic Belt and Yinchuan Plain, regions characterized by active economic development and higher population density. (3) The selection of key rural tourism villages in Ningxia results from the combined influence of multiple factors, with per capita urban income identified as the dominant factor. The interaction between these factors influences the spatial agglomeration of the villages. The geographically weighted regression model further confirms that the spatial distribution pattern of key rural tourism villages is associated with the natural environment, transportation infrastructure, socio-economic factors, and resource endowment.
SONG Xiaolong , MA Mingde , LI Longtang , MI Wenbao , WANG Peng , WU Yue , REN Jie . Spatial pattern and influencing factors of key rural tourism villages in Ningxia[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(11) : 1957 -1969 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.731
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