Empirical study of the coupling of new urbanization and rural revitalization in Shaanxi Province
Received date: 2024-01-15
Revised date: 2024-02-29
Online published: 2024-09-02
New urbanization drives rural revitalization, and in turn, rural revitalization enhances new urbanization. These processes are interdependent, mutually reinforcing, and crucial to China’s modernization and development. This study selects ten cities in Shaanxi Province to investigate the development levels of new urbanization and rural revitalization from 2010 to 2021. Utilizing the entropy weight method, the project measures the development levels of these phenomena and employs a coupling-collaboration model to assess their interrelationship. Moreover, it proposes appropriate policies and measures. The results indicate a consistent upward trend in the comprehensive scores of new urbanization and rural revitalization across the studied cities during this period. In 2021, Xi’an City, Yulin City, and Baoji City ranked the highest in new urbanization development, while Hanzhong City, Tongchuan City, and Ankang City ranked the lowest. Conversely, Yulin City, Shangluo City, and Weinan City achieved the top scores in rural revitalization, whereas Tongchuan City, Xianyang City, and Baoji City had the lowest scores. The coupling degree and coordination across the province generally met the criteria for a high coupling degree in 2021, with Xi’an City and Yulin City exhibiting a strong degree of coupling and collaboration.
Key words: new urbanization; rural revitalization; coupling; Shaanxi Province
LIU Miaomiao , WU Weidong . Empirical study of the coupling of new urbanization and rural revitalization in Shaanxi Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(8) : 1420 -1430 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.030
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