Spatial pattern and influence mechanism of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas in China
Received date: 2023-04-20
Revised date: 2023-05-31
Online published: 2024-03-29
Night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas serve as notable models for advancing the high-quality development of cultural and tourism integration, playing a crucial role in steering the growth of the cultural and tourism industry and unleashing the latent potential of night-time consumption. This study employs GIS spatial analysis methods, alongside geographical detectors and other approaches, to investigate the spatial pattern and influencing mechanisms of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas in China. The findings indicate the following: (1) The distribution trend of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas exhibits clustering, characterized by a “dense in the east and sparse in the west, more in the south and less in the north” trend. The layout features are conspicuous, emphasizing proximity to the city, water, and scenic locales. The spatial structure is marked by “one main, two pairs, and multiple micronuclei”. (2) The spatial distribution of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas demonstrates a significant positive correlation, portraying a circularly decreasing spatial differentiation pattern of “hot in the east and cold in the west”. (3) Regarding type structure, historical sites and relics are concentrated in areas with rich cultural histories, local customs and traditions thrive in ethnic minority regions, industrial-themed categories exhibit broad spatial distribution, scenic spots are relatively evenly spread, and comprehensive categories encompassing cultural, tourism, and commerce predominantly manifest in economically developed areas. (4) Fundamental factors such as topography, rivers, and climate significantly influence the distribution of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas. Meanwhile, factors such as population quality, passenger transport capacity, industrial development, and policy support emerge as pivotal determinants affecting the distribution of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas.
TANG Yu , XUE Dongqian , SONG Yongyong , YE Hao , WANG Sha . Spatial pattern and influence mechanism of night-time cultural tourism consumption agglomeration areas in China[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(3) : 485 -495 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.183
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