Response of soil physical and chemical properties to altitude and aspect of alpine meadow in the eastern Qilian Mountains and their relationships with vegetation characteristics
Received date: 2021-11-03
Revised date: 2021-12-06
Online published: 2022-10-20
To investigate the response of physical and chemical properties of alpine meadow soil to altitude and their interconnection to vegetation characteristics, the alpine meadows in the eastern Qilian Mountain of China were chosen as the research object. The changes to seven altitudes and two soil nutrient content and ecological stoichiometric aspects in the alpine meadows and their interconnection with the vegetation were analyzed. The results demonstrated that (1) soil water content, electrical conductivity, soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), total potassium (TK), alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), and available potassium (AK) were affected. carbon-phosphorus ratio (C/P) and nitrogen-phosphorus ratio (N/P) appeared to increase first and then decreased with the increase in altitude. The soil bulk density, total phosphorus (TP), and carbon-nitrogen (C/N) decreased first and then increased. (2) At the same altitude, soil bulk density, AK, electrical conductivity, and TP were higher in the sunny aspect than in the shady aspect; soil moisture content, AP, C/P, and N/P were lower in the sunny aspect than in the shady aspect, and SOC, TN, AN, and C/N were lower in the sunny aspect under 3200 m than in the shady aspect. (3) The C/N, C/P, and N/P of the alpine meadow soils at different altitudes and aspects were between 14.55-38.13, 12.61-87.94, and 0.27-5.01. (4) Redundancy analysis revealed that soil bulk density, TN, and AP are the most important soil factors influencing the vegetation of alpine meadows. Cluster analysis discovered that the shady and sunny aspects at an altitude of 3200-3400 m were clustered together. Finally, the physical and chemical properties of the soil and ecological stoichiometry of the alpine meadows in the eastern Qilian Mountains changed regularly with altitude and aspect differentiation. Based on the N/P rate, soil nitrogen was the main constraint to alpine meadow productivity, which was severe in low and high-altitude areas. Based on cluster analysis, 3000 m and 3400 m were identified as the critical lines for change in vegetation and soil characteristics in this area, suggesting that altitude and aspect differentiation should be considered in alpine meadow management.
Key words: alpine meadow; altitude; aspect; ecological stoichiometry; redundancy analysis (RDA)
Qiang LI , Guoxing HE , Tong WEN , Dongyang YANG , Degang ZHANG , Tianhu HAN , Dongrong PAN , Xiaoni LIU . Response of soil physical and chemical properties to altitude and aspect of alpine meadow in the eastern Qilian Mountains and their relationships with vegetation characteristics[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2022 , 45(5) : 1559 -1569 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.528
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