收稿日期: 2021-03-01
修回日期: 2021-05-04
网络出版日期: 2022-01-21
Trade-off analyses of ecosystem services during the reconstruction of grain production space in Loess Plateau: A case of Yulin City
Received date: 2021-03-01
Revised date: 2021-05-04
Online published: 2022-01-21
粮食生产空间重构集中了土地系统变化的主要矛盾,探索粮食生产空间重构过程中的生态系统服务权衡变化有利于明确粮食安全、生态修复与经济发展之间的矛盾,从而推进区域生态文明建设和高质量发展。采用生态系统服务评估模型及均方根偏差法,对2000—2018年陕北榆林市粮食生产空间重构过程中的固碳、食物供给、土壤保持和产水服务及其权衡关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1) 2000—2018年,退耕还林还草、城市扩张与毁林垦草是榆林市粮食生产空间重构的主要路径。(2) 2000—2018年,榆林市粮食生产空间重构使得固碳及土壤保持两项服务显著提升,而对食物供给和产水服务产生了负面效应。其中,退耕还林还草促进了固碳与土壤保持服务的显著提升,对食物供给产生了负作用;城市扩张后,固碳、土壤保持、食物供给服务均呈下降趋势;毁林垦草则显著提升了食物供给服务。(3) 粮食生产空间重构导致区域各服务间的权衡有所提升,然而,不同重构路径对生态系统服务权衡的影响有所差异:退耕还林还草、毁林垦草对固碳与食物供给、土壤保持,食物供给与土壤保持之间的权衡变化影响最为显著,城市扩张则在产水与其他服务的权衡中作用明显,不同重构路径导致的服务间相对收益的变化是权衡呈现不同变化规律的主要原因。
杨海娟 , 孙来玎 , 周美君 , 李飞 . 黄土高原粮食生产空间重构过程中的生态系统服务权衡——以陕北榆林市为例[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(1) : 226 -236 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.107
Grain production space reconstruction (GPSR) concentrates on the main contradictions in land system change. Exploring the trade-off of ecosystem services (ESs) in the process of GPSR scientifically is conducive to clarifying the contradictions among food security, ecological restoration, and economic development, and to promoting the construction and high-quality development of a regional ecological civilization. This research uses the evaluation model of ESs, root mean square deviation, and the method of mathematical statistics to conduct spatiotemporal comprehensive measurement of the trade-offs between ESs during GPSR in Yulin City of Shaanxi Province in China. The conclusions are as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2018, Grain for Green, deforestation and reclamation, and urban expansion were the main paths of the GPSR in Yulin. (2) From 2000 to 2018, carbon sequestration and soil conservation improved significantly during the GPSR, but the change of food supply and water yield exhibited the opposite trend. Grain for Green project promoted carbon sequestration and soil conservation significantly, and had a negative effect on food supply. Carbon sequestration, soil conservation, and food supply showed a downward trend after urban expansion. Deforestation and reclamation significantly improved food supply services. (3) GPSR leads to the improvement of trade-offs among the ESs, However, the impact of different reconstruction paths on the trade-off between ESs presents different characteristics. The effects of Grain for Green, deforestation, and reclamation on the trade-off between carbon sequestration and food supply, soil conservation, food supply, and soil conservation were the most significant, while urban expansion plays an important role in the trade-off between water yield and other services. Overall, the change of relative gain is the important reason for the different characteristics of trade-offs between the ESs in the process of GPSR.
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