收稿日期: 2021-04-06
修回日期: 2021-09-23
网络出版日期: 2022-01-21
Runoff and sediment yield benefits and hydraulic characteristics of perennial ryegrass plantation canopy and root slope in the Loess Plateau
Received date: 2021-04-06
Revised date: 2021-09-23
Online published: 2022-01-21
基于野外人工模拟降雨试验和黑麦草全植被结构、根系结构及裸坡结构,通过设置不同雨强(30 mm·h-1、60 mm·h-1和90 mm·h-1)和不同下垫面坡度(1°、3°和5°),对坡面产流产沙特征、水力参数分布变化及坡面侵蚀特征和水力特征关系进行了分析,揭示了不同草被结构类型下坡面产流产沙特征与水力特性。结果表明:随着雨强和坡度的变化,全植被坡面具有最小的产流产沙率,根系坡面次之,产流产沙率最大的则是裸坡坡面。黑麦草冠层的减流贡献率优于根系,冠层与根系的平均减流贡献率分别可达到62%和38%,减沙贡献率则是根系优于冠层,冠层与根系的平均减沙贡献率分别可达到37%和65%,以上产流产沙特征均揭示了草本植被冠层和根系在抑制侵蚀当中的有效性。水力参数中,雷诺数和水流功率是适用的2个水力指标,与产流产沙速率显著相关(P<0.01)。本次研究可为不同草被结构下的水土保持效益提升以及水力特性的分析提供理论依据和试验参考。
焦若禺 , 宋孝玉 , 赵新凯 , 李蓝君 , 符冲 , 张志旭 , 王绍娜 . 黄土沟壑区黑麦草植被冠层与根系坡面水沙效益及水力特性[J]. 干旱区地理, 2022 , 45(1) : 208 -218 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.154
Based on artificial rainfall simulations and the canopy structure, root structure, and bare slope structure of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), analysis on runoff and sediment yield patterns on a slope, changes in hydraulic indicator distribution, and the relationship between slope erosion and hydraulic characteristics were conducted through setting various rainfall intensities (30 mm·h-1, 60 mm·h-1, and 90 mm·h-1) and different lower-bedding surfaces (1°, 3°, and 5°). Consequently, the patterns of runoff and sand yield, as well as the hydraulic characteristics of different slopes in varied grass structures, were revealed. The findings show that as rainfall intensities and slope gradients change, the full vegetation structure has the lowest rate of runoff and sand yield, followed by the root structure, and the bare slope has the highest rate. In terms of contribution to runoff reduction, the ryegrass canopy outperforms the root structure, with the average contribution rate of the canopy and root structure to runoff reduction reaching 62% and 38%, respectively. For contribution to sand reduction, the root structure is superior to that of the canopy structure. The average contribution of the canopy and root structure to sand reduction can reach 37% and 65% separately. The abovementioned runoff and sand yield patterns demonstrate the effectiveness of the herbaceous canopy and root structure in preventing erosion. Reynolds number and water power, as applicable hydraulic parameters, have shown notable correlations with runoff rate and sediment yield (P<0.01). This study can provide theoretical and experimental references for optimizing water and soil conservation benefits and analyzing hydraulic characteristics under varied grass structures.
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