收稿日期: 2020-12-25
修回日期: 2021-04-14
网络出版日期: 2021-12-03
Spatiotemporal pattern of hotspots (coldspots) of ecosystem services in coalfields of Shanxi Province
Received date: 2020-12-25
Revised date: 2021-04-14
Online published: 2021-12-03
基于山西煤田1986年和2015年的遥感、气象等数据,利用InVEST(Integrated valuation of ecosystem services and trade offs)模型估算其土壤保持和产水量服务、CASA(Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach)模型估算植被生产服务、RWEQ(Revised wind erosion equation)模型估算防风固沙服务、热点分析模拟生态系统服务热(冷)点空间分布格局。结果表明:(1) 1986—2015年,土壤保持服务热点区空间分布整体未发生大变化,冷点区主要从沁水煤田和霍西煤田向河东煤田转移;产水服务热点区在沁水煤田东部增加较明显,冷点区主要在河东煤田南部增多;植被生产服务热点区整体由沁水煤田南部向东北部移动,冷点区主要从西山煤田和沁水煤田向河东煤田和大同煤田移动;防风固沙服务热点区整体由西北部向东南部转移,冷点区主要从沁水煤田向霍西煤田和河东煤田转移。(2) 1986—2015年研究区东南部的沁水煤田为多重生态系统服务热点区集中地,属于重点生态系统服务功能供给区;河东煤田和霍西煤田为多重生态系统服务冷点区变化集中区域。(3) 耕地产水量和植被生产服务热点面积占比相对较高,其服务水平强于其他服务;林地和草地的土壤保持服务热点面积最大,属于土壤保持服务高功能区;建设用地的产水服务水平较高。
潘换换,吴树荣,杨琪雪,杜自强,武志涛,张红 . 山西煤田生态系统服务热(冷)点时空格局[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(6) : 1686 -1695 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.06.17
Hotspot analysis can be used to identify spatial clusters of high (or low) value to ecosystem services (ES) in a study area, helping to further explore study areas with a relatively high or low value of each ES. As one application, this is of great significance to the protection and restoration of the ecological environment in coalfields. In this study, we collected remote sensing data, meteorological data, and soil data (as well as data of other types) from coalfields in Shanxi Province, China from 1986 and 2015 and estimated the soil conservation and water yield using the integrated valuation of ES and trade-offs (InVEST) model, the vegetation net primary productivity based on the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach, and the sand fixation service based on the revised wind erosion equation. Furthermore, we identified the spatial distribution of hotspots (and coldspots) of ES using the Getis-Ord Gi* tool of ArcGIS. The results demonstrated the following: (1) From the perspective of individual ES, the overall spatial distribution of hotspots for soil conservation service did not significantly change from 1986 to 2015, whereas the coldspots of the soil conservation service were mainly transferred from Qinshui Coalfield and Huoxi Coalfield to the Hedong Coalfield. The hotspots of water yield also increased significantly in the eastern part of Qinshui Coalfield, whereas the coldspots of water yield increased mainly in the southern part of Hedong Coalfield. Overall, the hotspots of vegetation production service moved from the south to the northeast of Heqinshui Coalfield, whereas the coldspots of vegetation production service mainly moved from Xishan Coalfield and Qinshui Coalfield to Hedong Coalfield and the Datong Coalfield. The hotspots of sand fixation service transferred from the northwest to the southeast as a whole, and the coldspots of sand fixation service mainly transferred from Qinshui Coalfield to Huoxi Coalfield and the Hedong Coalfield. (2) From the perspective of multiple ES, from 1986 to 2015, Qinshui Coalfield in the southeastern part of the study area, which belongs to the key ecosystem service function supply area, was a hotspot of multiple ecosystem services. Hedong Coalfield and Huoxi Coalfield were also coldspots of multiple ES. (3) From the perspective of different land use types, the hotspots of water yield and vegetation production of cultivated land accounted for a relatively high proportion, meaning their level of service was stronger than those of other services. The hotspots of soil conservation service for forest land and grassland also accounted for the largest proportion of hotspots, meaning the level of soil conservation was high, whereas the water yield of construction land was relatively high. The spatial distribution of ES in coalfields and their changes in terms of hotspots and coldspots were closely related to land use. Accordingly, maintaining a good coupling state between land use and ES will be helpful to provide a scientific basis for regional ecological reconstruction and the sustainable development of coalfields.
Key words: coalfields; ecosystem services; hot spot analysis; land use; spatial pattern
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