收稿日期: 2020-10-19
修回日期: 2021-04-21
网络出版日期: 2021-09-22
Vertical embedded governance and the production of oasis ecological space: Study of the ecological governance of Ejina Oasis
Received date: 2020-10-19
Revised date: 2021-04-21
Online published: 2021-09-22
绿洲是干旱内陆区的精华部分,也是生态文明建设的难点地区,加强绿洲生态治理研究对推进区域生态文明建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。长期以来,绿洲生态治理研究强调通过技术手段、经济措施促进绿洲生态系统恢复,对行动主体在生态治理中的作用重视不够,影响了绿洲生态治理成效和可持续性。以额济纳绿洲为案例,在深入调研基础上,援引空间生产理论和区域治理理论,通过政策工具组合分析,探究纵向嵌入治理下绿洲生态空间生产过程。结果表明:(1) 中央政府的机构嵌入打破了传统“以粮为纲”的水资源配置导向,流域用水制度从“粮食生产偏好”向“生态保护偏好”转变,绿洲被建构为国家生态保育空间,成为中国北疆重要的生态安全屏障。(2) 中央政府的行政嵌入重塑了流域用水关系和水权秩序,促成了黑河干流水量调度,实现了绿洲来水增多化,干涸多年的东居延海出现稳定水面被开辟为生态旅游景区,由戈壁沙漠湖泊湿地转变为生态观光旅游胜地,重构了黑河尾闾生态空间。(3) 中央政府的规则嵌入解决了绿洲工程建设中资金短缺问题,通过对绿洲灌溉的人工化控制和绿洲生态保护区化治理,实现了绿洲河网渠系化与绿洲空间功能化,绿洲由边境牧业生产生活空间转变为国家重点生态功能空间。
代兰海,薛东前 . 纵向嵌入治理与绿洲生态空间生产:额济纳绿洲生态治理研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(5) : 1459 -1470 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.05.26
Oasis is the essence of an arid inland region and a problematic area for constructing ecological civilization. It is theoretically and practically important to strengthen the research on oasis ecological governance for promoting the construction of regional ecological civilization. For a long time, research on oasis ecological governance has emphasized the promotion of oasis ecosystem restoration by technical and economic means. However, such studies have not paid sufficient attention to the role of action subjects in ecological governance, which affects the effectiveness and sustainability of oasis ecological governance. Taking Ejina Oasis, Inner Mongolia, China as a case, we used hydrological monitoring data, engineering construction data, and social interview data and adopted field investigation methods, in-depth interviews, and data analysis through the combined analysis of policy tools. Based on such evidence, this paper investigated the production process of oasis ecological space under vertically embedded governance and clarified the relationship between oasis ecological governance and spatial production. The results showed that: (1) Institutional embedding of the central government broke the traditional food-based orientation of water resource allocation and shifted the water system of the watershed from a food production priority to an ecological protection priority. The Ejina Oasis was constructed as a national ecological conservation space using spatial representation and became an important ecological security barrier at the northern border of China. (2) Administrative embedding of the central government reshaped water use relations and water rights order in the basin, enabled water planning in the main stream of the Heihe River, and increased the inflow of water from the oasis. East Juyan Lake, which has been dry for many years, has a stable water surface now and is open as a scenic spot for eco-tourism. This transformed the wetland of the Gobi desert Lake into an eco-tourism resort and rebuilt the ecological space at the end of the Heihe River. (3) The embedding of central government regulations has solved the problem of lack of funding for the construction of oasis projects. Based on the artificial management of oasis irrigation and the governance of the oasis ecological protection zone, the canalization of the oasis river network and the functionalization of the oasis space have been realized. This transformed the Ejina Oasis from the marginal pastoral production and living space into the country’s major ecological functional space. This paper aims to provide theoretical and case-by-case support to enrich and expand ecological governance research and promote oasis ecological governance from technological governance to subject governance in the new era.
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