收稿日期: 2019-11-11
修回日期: 2021-03-27
网络出版日期: 2021-06-01
Process of land use conflict research: Contents and methods
Received date: 2019-11-11
Revised date: 2021-03-27
Online published: 2021-06-01
土地资源的稀缺性与土地利用的多功能性是土地利用冲突产生的根本原因。土地利用冲突的产生加剧了经济利益、生态效益与社会效益之间的矛盾。土地利用冲突的研究对于实现国土空间规划中的“多规融合”及“三区三线”的划定都具有重要的意义。在阐释土地利用冲突的概念与类型的基础上,针对冲突研究较为分散的现状特征,分别从研究内容和研究方法上综述了近年来国内外相关研究进展。在研究内容上,分析了土地利用冲突的识别及时空动态研究,归纳了土地利用冲突的主要驱动因素及不同驱动因素下冲突的协调与权衡,总结了冲突研究的应用实践。在研究方法上,评价了参与式调查、博弈论、“压力-状态-响应”模型(Pressure-state-response,PSR 模型)及其扩展模型、多目标评价和景观生态风险评价等方法在土地利用冲突研究中的适宜 性。未来土地利用冲突研究中,应当完善理论体系、扩展研究方法、重视冲突动态、服务国土空间规划。
江颂,蒙吉军 . 土地利用冲突研究进展:内容与方法[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(3) : 877 -887 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.03.30
The scarcity of land resources and multi-functional use of land are the root causes of land use conflict. Land use conflict is known to aggravate the relationships among economic interests, ecological benefits, and social benefits. The study of land use conflict is of great significance in efforts to achieve the concepts of “multi-rule integration” and “three spaces and three lines” in China land space planning. Unfortunately, research related to this conflict presents relatively scattered characteristics. This paper summarizes the findings of studies on land use conflict published at home and abroad in recent years and describes the concepts and types of land use conflict. The characteristics of different types of land use conflict are analyzed, and the urban-rural interlaced zone is identified as a research hotspot. The significance of studies on spatiotemporal dynamics is emphasized, and the fact that stakeholders tend to pay more attention to the dynamic evolution of conflict occurrence and development instead of the results of such conflict is highlighted. Thereafter, the main drivers of land use conflict, including natural factors, such as the limited area and suitability of land, as well as human factors derived from different human needs for production, life, and the ecological environment, are derived. This paper also presents the coordination and trade-offs of conflict under different driving factors and proposes that exploring the trade-offs and synergy between different land functions, including multiple functions, may be helpful for conflict coordination. The results of land use conflict research can be applied to planning and environmental management. The scientific and reasonable application of conflict research results is a valuable direction in land use conflict research. The suitability of participatory survey, game theory, pressure-state-response (PSR) mode and its extended models, multi-objective evaluation, and landscape ecological risk assessment in the study of land use conflict is further analyzed and evaluated. As a qualitative method, participatory surveys can provide an accurate and in-depth understanding of land use conflict, but they are highly subjective and limited to small study areas. Game theory can also be used to explore the internal mechanism of land use conflict extensively, but it assumes that the stakeholders are rational. PSR mode and its extended models and multi-objective evaluation could be used to quantify land use conflict by selecting appropriate indicators, but they are prone to subjectivity. Landscape ecological risk assessment is objective but does not take into account socioeconomic factors. Future research could seek to improve the theoretical basis of land use conflict, expand the available research methods, assess the contribution of conflict dynamics, and create effective land space planning strategies. This paper systematically describes the current research progress on land use conflict and offers a comprehensive reference to guide future developments in conflict research.
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