收稿日期: 2021-02-07
修回日期: 2021-02-22
网络出版日期: 2021-06-01
Monitoring and analysis of ecological benefits of water conveyance in the lower reaches of Tarim River in recent 20 years
Received date: 2021-02-07
Revised date: 2021-02-22
Online published: 2021-06-01
自2000年实施以抬升地下水位、拯救塔里木河下游“绿色走廊”、遏制生态持续恶化为目的的生态输水工程以来,截至2020年,已向塔里木河下游实施生态输水21次,累计输水量达84.45×108 m3。近20 a的监测结果分析显示:(1) 在距河道100 m处,塔里木河下游的上段、中段、下段的地下水位埋深由输水前期2000年的7.76 m、9.31 m、7.82 m抬升至2020年的3.70 m、4.48 m、2.69 m,平均抬升幅度为4.06 m、4.83 m、5.13 m;在500 m处,地下水位埋深分别由输水前的8.21 m、9.45 m、9.08 m抬升至6.61 m、5.46 m、3.82 m。生态输水对塔里木河下游的上、中、下3个区段地下水位的影响范围均达到了1050 m,分别抬升了2.69 m、1.38 m、1.59 m。(2) 地表水体面积由输水前的49.00 km2扩大到2019年的498.54 km2,尾闾湖泊—台特玛湖“死而复活”,地表水体面积达到455.27 km2。(3) 输水后,地表生态响应敏感,在距河道2000 m范围内,塔里木河下游高植被覆盖度、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、植被净初级生产力(NPP)、植被总初级生产力(GPP)分别增加了132 km2、0.07、7.6 g C·m-2和 1221 g C·m-2·季-1。(4) 输水对塔里木河下游地表植被的影响和改善面积达到1423 km2,生态系统服务价值和功能大幅增加,碳汇区域由2001年占研究区的1.54%增长至2020年的7.80%,生态系统健康程度和生态恢复力大幅提升,土壤碳汇能力增加。近20 a的生态输水大幅抬升了塔里木河下游地下水位,沿河两岸以胡杨为主体的荒漠河岸林植被得到拯救和复壮,地表植被覆盖度增加,塔里木河下游生态退化趋势基本得到遏制。
陈亚宁,吾买尔江∙吾布力,艾克热木∙阿布拉,程勇,陈亚鹏,郝兴明,朱成刚,汪洋 . 塔里木河下游近20 a输水的生态效益监测分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(3) : 605 -611 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.03.01
The ecological water conveyance project was launched in 2000 to restore groundwater level and protect the “green corridor” from the continuous deterioration in the lower reaches of the Tarim River, Xinjiang, China. Until the end of 2020, the total water conveyance volume has reached 84.45×108 m3. The monitoring results show that: (1) At the riverway-monitoring site (100 m away from the river), the groundwater depth in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Tarim River rises from 7.76 m, 9.31 m, 7.82 m in 2000 to 3.70 m, 4.48 m, and 2.69 m, respectively, in 2020. The average groundwater rise in the upper, middle, and lower reaches of the Tarim River are 4.06 m, 4.83 m, and 5.13 m, respectively. At a near riverway-monitoring site (500 m away from the river), the groundwater depth rises from 8.21 m to 6.61 m, 9.45 m to 5.46 m, and 9.08 m to 3.82 m, in the upper, middle, and lower reaches, respectively, during the past 20 years. At a monitoring site far from the riverway (1050 m away from the river), an increase in groundwater depth of 2.69 m, 1.38 m, and 1.59 m was monitored. (2) The surface water area expanded from 49.00 km2 before the water conveyance project to 498.54 km2, about four times the previous area; Taitma Lake has “resurged,” with a surface area of 455.27 km2. (3) The surface ecological processes significantly responded to the water conveyance with the vegetation coverage, NDVI, NPP, and gross primary productivity of the lower reaches of the Tarim River (within 2000 m of riverway) increasing by 132 km2, 0.07, 7.6 g C·m-2 and 1221 g C·m-2per growing season, respectively. (4) The influence of water conveyance on the surface vegetation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River is 1423 km2 with the ecosystem service value increasing significantly. The carbon sink area increased from 1.54% in 2001 to 7.80% in 2020, the ecosystem health condition improved and ecological resilience increased significantly, as the soil carbon sink capacity increased. In short, the groundwater level has raised significantly during the past 20 years, and the desert riparian forest with Populus euphratica as the constructive species has been restored in the lower reaches of the Tarim River. The surface vegetation coverage has increased, and the trend of ecological degradation in the lower reaches of the Tarim River has been curbed significantly.
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