收稿日期: 2020-05-13
修回日期: 2020-11-15
网络出版日期: 2021-04-14
Analysis of sand source for Badain Jaran Desert based on CMB model
Received date: 2020-05-13
Revised date: 2020-11-15
Online published: 2021-04-14
宁凯,王乃昂,李卓仑,杨振京,毕志伟,王奕心,王攀,孙杰 . 基于CMB模型的巴丹吉林沙漠沙源区分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(2) : 389 -399 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.02.10
Desert ecosystems play an important role in global and regional environments due to their high albedo, low specific heat capacity, and high dust output. As the second largest mobile desert in China, the source of sediment in the Badain Jaran Desert has always been a subject of interest in earth science research. In this paper, the composition of surface sediments collected from the Badain Jaran Desert and surrounding areas were analyzed to identify their provenance, and the chemical mass balance model was used to estimate the contribution rates of source or sources. The results show that the main minerals in the surface sediments of the Badain Jaran Desert include relatively stable albite, albite, anorthite, anorthoclase, biotite, clinoenstatite, enstatite, microcline, muscovite, orthoclase, quartz, titanite, and non-regionally representative clinochlore, gypsum, hornblende, calcite, and halite, and the main provenances include desert lacustrine plain sands, alluvial plain sands, modern lake sediments, exogenous sands, and weathered rock crusts. The weathered rock crusts and modern lake sediments belong to in situ sanding and thus only affects the surrounding area. Alluvial sand from north of the desert and exogenous sand from the northwest are the main sources of the Badain Jaran Desert sands. These are very different from the desert sediments in the eastern parts of China which are attributed to lake sedimentation and may be related to the evolution of the desert, the scale of retreat of lakes in the region throughout geological history, and the climate and environmental conditions.
Key words: minerals; aeolian sand; CMB model; provenance analysis; Badain Jaran Desert
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