收稿日期: 2019-12-24
修回日期: 2020-12-11
网络出版日期: 2021-03-09
Multi-scale characteristics of cold and warm winter variations in Shaanxi under the background of climate change
Received date: 2019-12-24
Revised date: 2020-12-11
Online published: 2021-03-09
基于陕西省1960—2019年94个气象站点冬季逐日气温资料,分陕北、关中和陕南3个气候区,从时间和空间2种尺度分析了陕西冷、暖冬事件的变化特征。结果表明:近60 a陕西冬季增温明显并在1987年前后发生突变,冬季平均0 °C等温线北抬1~2个纬度,增温幅度以陕北最强陕南最弱。从时间尺度上,气候变化导致暖冬指数以9.5%·(10a)-1增加、冷冬指数以9.6%·(10a)-1减少,20次区域性暖冬事件在冬季气温突变后发生16次,而19次区域性冷冬有16次发生在突变之前。从空间尺度看,陕北和陕南的冷、暖冬发生频次相对较高,但强暖冬区域主要集中在关中,强冷冬区域分布在陕南和关中。后期应重点关注区域性暖冬事件引发的作物安全越冬、疾病传播以及病虫害发生等不利影响。
郑小华,娄盼星,马永永,冯蕾,刘环 . 气候变化背景下陕西冷暖冬事件的多尺度特征研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(1) : 47 -54 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.01.05
Shaanxi Province, China is located to the northeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. It is narrow from north to south and spans three climatic zones of Shanbei, Guanzhong, and Shannan according to the ecological and climatic characteristics of the three regions. Thus, the agricultural planting structure and ecological diversity are complex in Shaanxi. The Qinling Mountains across Shaanxi are the dividing line between the north and south climates in China, indicating that Shaanxi is one of the sensitive areas affected by climate change. Studying the characteristics of the occurrence of cold and warm winter climate events in Shaanxi could provide a theoretical basis for improving the facts of regional climate change. Based on the observational facts of 94 weather stations in Shaanxi from 1960 to 2019, the trend analysis of climatic regions was investigated using linear regression and five-year trend sliding. The factor average and change tendency rate in each climatic region were also calculated. The mutation analysis of winter average temperature in different climatic regions was conducted using the Mann-Kendall non-parameter statistical test method and sliding T-test method. The spatial and temporal change results of cold and warm winter events in Shaanxi show that the climatic change has caused a significant increase in the average winter temperature in Shaanxi and its abrupt changes occurred near 1987. The abrupt change time was earlier in Shanbei and slightly later in Shannan. The 0 °C isotherm of zonally average in winter moved north 1°-2°. The maximum temperature increase in Shanbei is 0.45 °C·(10a) -1, while the minimum temperature increase in Shannan is only 0.23 °C·(10a) -1. The regional warm winter index increased by 9.5%·(10a)-1, and the cold winter index decreased by 9.6%·(10a)-1 in the past 60 a. The cold and warm winter events in most sites occurred 17-20 times. Simultaneously, the strong cold and warm winter events occurred 4-7 times. The frequency of cold and warm winter events changed significantly before and after the abrupt time, of which 16 out of 20 warm winter events occurred after the abrupt change of winter temperature. Moreover, 16 out of 19 regional cold winters occurred before the abrupt change of winter temperature, especially the strong cold winter that occurred five times before 1980 and never happened again. In the spatial distribution, the frequency of cold and warm winters in Shanbei and Shannan are relatively high. However, the strong warm winter events occur mainly in Guanzhong, while the strong cold winters occur mainly in Shannan and Guanzhong. The winter temperature variation characters with time are consistent with the national results. However, in the spatial distribution, there are some differences between this research and the national results, mainly in the regional and strength changes. The reason for this is that the underlying surface, the terrain conditions, and the impact of urbanization of the study area are extremely complex, leading to a strong regional response to the cold and warm winter events. In the later period, we will focus on adverse effects, such as crop safety overwintering, disease spread, and pests occurrence and diseases caused by regional warm winter events caused by climate change.
Key words: warm winter; cold winter; climate change; Shaanxi
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