收稿日期: 2019-10-03
修回日期: 2020-04-20
网络出版日期: 2021-03-09
Desertification analysis based on grid accumulation method in Tarim Basin, China
Received date: 2019-10-03
Revised date: 2020-04-20
Online published: 2021-03-09
土地沙漠化是当今全球最严峻的环境问题之一,也是我国西北干旱区面临的主要生态环境问题。开展土地沙漠化动态研究有助于沙漠化灾害防治与国土资源空间开发。以2000—2018年MODIS-NDVI 1 km月数据为基础,运用栅格累加法与转移矩阵法对塔里木盆地土地沙漠化的变化速率、空间特征及其成因进行探索分析,结果表明:(1) 土地沙漠化是一个具有年际波动和累积效应的动态变化过程;(2) 栅格累加法具有较强的连续动态分析能力,能准确分析土地沙漠化变化速率、演变趋势、变化的空间特征,可以定量分析土地沙漠化原因;(3) 塔里木盆地沙漠化退化主要是草地的退化,沙漠化改善则主要是林地和耕地的改善;(4) 2000—2018年,塔里木盆地土地沙漠化整体呈极重度沙漠化逐级向非沙漠化变化的改善趋势,转移路径为:极重度沙漠化→重度沙漠化→中度沙漠化→轻度沙漠化→非沙漠化,改善区主要分布在绿洲区,恶化区主要在塔里木河中游与车尔臣河下游,土地沙漠化成因主要为人类活动。此文研究方法为土地沙漠化动态监测提供了一种新思路,其研究结果可为塔里木盆地国土资源开发和沙漠化治理提供理论依据。
刘畅,李诚志,李胜辉,付小磊,师庆东 . 基于栅格累加法的塔里木盆地沙漠化分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(1) : 197 -207 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.01.21
Currently, sandy desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems worldwide. It is also the most crucial ecological environmental problem in the arid areas in western China. The Tarim Basin, located in northwest China, is extremely arid, with little precipitation, high evaporation, and sparse vegetation. This basin includes the second largest flowing desert, and the problem of sandy desertification is extremely serious. In this paper, the desertification was monitored yearly using the data that were synthesized from the monthly data of MODIS-NDVI 1 km from 2000 to 2018 using the maximum synthesis method in the Tarim Basin. On the basis of the grid accumulation method, change rate, change trend, and spatial distribution, the causes of the sandy desertification were analyzed in the Tarim Basin. The results showed that: (1) the process of sandy desertification from 2000 to 2018 in the Tarim Basin fluctuated annually, and if the deviation calculation method had been used to monitor the desertification with several remote sensing images, it would have obtained the wrong results. (2) The grid accumulation method can quantitatively analyze the change rate, evolution trend, and spatial characteristics of sandy desertification, and the method is suitable for the analysis of the process of the interannual fluctuation. (3) The new method, combining the grid accumulation method with the transfer matrix analysis method, was presented. This method was used to quantitatively obtain the transfer path, transfer quantity, and transfer spatial distribution of the sandy desertification in the Tarim Basin. It revealed that the transfer path of the sandy desertification in the Tarim Basin changed from extremely severe desertification to severe desertification, to moderate desertification, to mild desertification, and to non-desertification. Generally, the desertification trend in the Tarim Basin was from extremely severe desertification to non-desertification. The improved areas were distributed in the oases, but the deteriorated areas were mainly located in the middle reaches of the Tarim River and lower reaches of the Qarqan River. (4) The causes of the desertification were quantitatively analyzed using the method that combined the land-use types and grid accumulation method. This method found that the most important cause of desertification was human activities, the main type of degradation was the degradation of the grassland, and the main types of improvement were those of forest land and cultivated land. This research provided a simple and easy method for the dynamic monitoring of desertification. Its results can accurately show the change rate, evolution trend, spatial distribution, and causes of land desertification, of which accurate information is necessary to control the desertification of the land.
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