收稿日期: 2019-12-16
修回日期: 2020-06-03
网络出版日期: 2021-03-09
Characteristics of glacier movement in the eastern Pamir Plateau
Received date: 2019-12-16
Revised date: 2020-06-03
Online published: 2021-03-09
冰川运动控制着冰量输送变化,为冰川变化和冰川灾害研究提供重要信息。为了探讨东帕米尔高原冰川运动特征及其影响因素,基于ITS_LIVE和GoLIVE分析了不同规模、不同地形条件、表碛/非表碛区域的冰川运动速度状况。研究结果表明:(1) 东帕米尔高原冰川平均运动速度为5.31 m·a-1,冰川运动速度与冰川规模相关,表现为大冰川比小冰川运动快;(2) 冰川运动速度与平均坡度相关,表现为随平均坡度增加先增后减,坡度过大不利于冰川积累,表现为厚度(规模)小,则速度慢。(3) 西南(8.69 m·a-1)、东南(11.67 m·a-1)坡向的冰川运动速度大于其它坡向的冰川运动速度,与各个坡向的冰川规模相关。(4) 表碛覆盖型冰川的运动速度小于非表碛覆盖型冰川,表碛对冰川运动速度起到抑制作用。(5) 1989—2018年东帕米尔高原冰川运动速度表现稳定,与冰川年际变化稳定相对应。消融期冰川运动速度小于其它季节,与年内冰川厚度变化相关。
黄丹妮,张震,张莎莎,薛乃婷 . 东帕米尔高原冰川运动特征分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2021 , 44(1) : 131 -140 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.01.14
The Pamir Plateau in Central Asia (30°00′-41°00′N; 73°00′-77°30′E) includes parts of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and China. The Chinese part is known as the eastern Pamir, located in southwestern Xinjiang. The Sino-Pakistan Highway passes through the study area. Glacier meltwater nourishes the people of Kashi Prefecture, Xinjiang, China. Pamir glaciers have recently shown unusual behavior: On average, no significant area and mass changes but frequent advances and surge activities have been observed during the last decades. The characteristics of glacier movement are helpful in understanding the unusual behavior. In our study, glacier movements at a different scale, topography, and morphology were analyzed by the Inter-Mission Time Series of Land Ice Velocity and Elevation and Global Land Ice Velocity Extraction from Landsat 8 data. The results are as follows: (1) The average glacier velocity in the eastern Pamir is 5.31 m·a-1 and is related to glacier scale, which shows that large glaciers move faster than small glaciers. (2) Glacier velocity is related to the average slope, which first increases and then decreases with the increase of the average slope. Excessive slopes are not conducive to glacier accumulation, and because the thickness (scale) is small, velocity is slow. (3) Glacier velocities on southwestern (8.69 m·a-1) and southeastern (11.67 m·a-1) slope directions are greater than those of other slope directions, which is related to the scale of glaciers in each slope direction. (4) Debris-covered glacier velocity is lower than that of debris-free glaciers because debris inhibits movement. (5) Glacier velocities were stable from 1985 to 2018, which is consistent with the stable area and mass trends of the eastern Pamir glaciers. Glacier velocities in melting seasons were lower than those in the pre-melt and post-melt seasons, which is presumably related to annual thickness changes.
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