基于 SRTM DEM 的祁连山自然保护区地形特征研究

  • 1 聊城大学环境与规划学院,山东 聊城 252000; 2 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
张坤(1986-),男(汉族),山东济南,硕士研究生,研究方向为 GIS 应用建模与开发. E-mail: heartha@163.com

收稿日期: 2020-01-21

  修回日期: 2020-05-16

  网络出版日期: 2020-11-25


国家科技基础条件平台建设数据共享服务项目(Y719H71006);山东省社科规划研究项目(18CKPJ34);山东省高等学校人文 社会科学计划项目(J18RA196)

Topography features of Qilian Mountains nature reserve based on SRTM DEM

  • 1 School of Environment and Planning, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252000, Shandong China; 2 Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100085, China

Received date: 2020-01-21

  Revised date: 2020-05-16

  Online published: 2020-11-25


基于研究区的 SRTM DEM 模型,应用 ArcGIS10.5 空间分析模块及 Excel、SPSS 数据统计分 析功能,采用均值变点分析法确定地形起伏度的邻域分析最佳统计单元;提取了研究区高程、地形 起伏度、地形坡度、地表粗糙度和地表切割度 5 个地形因子,以分析研究区的地形特征。结果表明: 研究区地形起伏度最佳统计单元为 11 像元×11 像元(0.98 km2),地形起伏度为 0~1 216 m。研究区 包含 13 种地貌类型,87.28%的区域为中海拔,中海拔平原、台地、丘陵为主要地貌类型。走廊南山、 冷龙岭、乌鞘岭和龙首山地平行分布,台地、丘陵穿插其中,地形复杂。研究结果为进一步探索自 然保护区的生态保护、开发利用等具体问题提供了基础数据支持。


张坤, 肖燕, 何振芳, 高敏 . 基于 SRTM DEM 的祁连山自然保护区地形特征研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2020 , 43(6) : 1559 -1566 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.06.17


Landforms refer to the various forms of the earth that appear on the surface under the interaction of internal and external dynamics. It is an important member of the Earth’s surface system and plays a decisive role in other aspects of the Earth system. Qilian Mountains, which is located in the arid and semi- arid area of northwest China, exhibits unique natural geographical environment, which has great effects on the environmental protection of the natural geography in China and even in the world. This paper focused on analyzing the geomorphological features of Qilian Mountains nature reserve. In this paper, space analysis function of ArcGIS 10.5, statistical analysis function of Excel and SPSS were used to analyze SRTM DEM data of the study area. The optimal analysis window of relief amplitude was determined by the mean- variation analysis. Topographic factors such as elevation, relief amplitude, slope, surface incision, and surface roughness were extracted by Space Analysis and Raster Calculator function of ArcGIS 10.5. According to relevant standards, the five topographic factors were classified and processed by Reclassify and Zonal Statistics as a Table function of ArcGIS 10.5. Finally, the geomorphological features of Qilian Mountains nature reserve were analyzed. Results showed that the optimal analysis window of relief amplitude in the research area was 11×11 (0.98 km2), and the relief amplitude is 0-1 216 m. Based on the elevation and relief amplitude, the geomorphological features of the research area were divided into 13 categories. 87.28% of the study area is mid- altitude, while others consist of the middle- altitude plains, terraces, and hills as the main types of landforms. Zoulangnanshan, Lenglongling, Wushaoling, and Longshoushan are distributed in parallel with a complex terrain and with interspersed terraces and hills. These conclusions will provide a theoretical basis for further study on specific issues such as ecological protection, development, and utilization in this area.


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