通过对南疆三地州 7 个易地扶贫搬迁安置点进行调研,定量分析了搬迁前后影响产业发展 的主要生计资本变化情况,分析认为搬迁安置点具备了产业发展的基础和条件。移民搬迁后依托 产业园区、设施农业、新开发土地、特色资源等发展优势产业,结合案例总结了 6 种产业发展模式, 每种产业模式都有特色产业及发展条件。移民就业渠道少、土地流转比例低及适应新产业难成为 制约后续产业的发展主要因素,为促进后续产业的发展,根据安置地情况,为移民提供更多就业渠 道,提高搬迁移民的就业技能。
Through an investigation of seven settlement sites for relocated impoverished residents in Kashgar, Kizil? su Kirghiz Autonomous Prefecture, and Khotan in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a quantitative analysis is made on livelihood capital changes in migrants before and after relocation. Research shows that migrant livelihood capitals, which include natural, human, and material capital, increased after relocation, whereas social capital de? creased. Overall, relocated migrants in three prefectures in south Xinjiang acquired certain conditions and a basis for industrial development. After relocation they developed competitive industries, relying on industrial parks, agri? culture facilities, and the development of new land and featured resources. Based on the cases, the analysis conclud? ed six modes of industrial development, each of involved one or two leading industries. At the same time, advantag? es, development conditions, and constraints of different modes of industrial development are analyzed. The study found that industrial development in settlement sites is mainly constrained by limited employment opportunities for migrants and a lack of enthusiasm among migrants for land transfer. It is thus concluded that, to enable subsequent industrial development after relocation, competent authorities should take advantage of local competitive resources based on the resource endowments of settlement sites and determine appropriate modes for industrial development, constantly improve migrant working skills, and increase employment opportunities for migrants to prevent accumula? tion of migrants at settlement sites due to a lack of jobs and working skills.
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