
  • 1 农业农村部农业大数据重点实验室,中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京 100081; 2 中国林科院荒漠化研究所,北京 100091;3 新疆林业科学院造林治沙所,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000
刘洪霞(1973-),女,副研究员,硕士,信息技术在农业中应用. E-mail: liuhongxia01@caas.cn

收稿日期: 2019-12-24

  修回日期: 2020-04-01

  网络出版日期: 2020-09-25


国家林业和草原局软科学课题“丝绸之路沿线沙产业与生态协调发展对策研究”与“干旱区生态与产业协调发展水资源承载力 研究”;中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(Y2018ZK09,Y2016ZK18)支持

Study of current status of sand industry and carrying capacity of water resources in Xinjiang

  • 1 Key Laboratory of Agricultural Big Data, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2 Institute of Desertification Studies, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing 100091, China; 3 Institute of Afforestation and Desertification Control, Xinjiang Academy of Forestry Sciences, Urumqi 830000, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2019-12-24

  Revised date: 2020-04-01

  Online published: 2020-09-25


采用 2000、2005、2010、2015 年 4 期土地利用/土地覆盖遥感解译数据以及新疆水资源公报 和统计年鉴资料,旨在评价新疆沙产业与水资源承载力状况。通过计算未利用土地转化成农地、 林地、草地的数量,分析 16 a 来新疆沙产业发展状况,结合水足迹模型和区域水资源承载力评价指 标,计算新疆 2000—2015 年水足迹,对区域水资源承载力进行评价。结果表明:(1)2000—2015 年 间,随着新疆人口增长和经济的发展,新疆沙产业发展迅速,部分沙地、戈壁等未利用土地和草地 被开发成耕地、林地、工矿和城镇及农村居民用地。(2)新疆水足迹整体呈上升趋势,水足迹以消费 农产品水足迹占主体,且消费农产品水足迹量快速增加,主要原因是新疆地区大力发展沙产业,利 用未利用土地、草地进行植物、沙生药材种植。(3)新疆人均水足迹、水资源压力指数、水足迹效益 指标呈现增加趋势,但数值明显低于我国人均水平。新疆社会经济发展总体趋势向好,但水资源 利用方式仍然比较粗放,水资源未得到合理开发。因此,新疆应采取优化产业结构、调整农作物种 植比例和用水结构,以增大水资源所支撑的沙产业发展规模,研究可为区域产业结构及消费模式 调整提供依据。


刘洪霞, 冯益明, 管文轲 . 新疆沙产业状况与水资源承载力研究[J]. 干旱区地理, 2020 , 43(5) : 1202 -1209 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.05.05


The sand industry is a knowledge-intensive industry, and its vigorous development an inevitable choice for growth of western China, construction of ecological civilization, and poverty reduction. The sand industry increases the demand for water resources, meaning thatwater resources shortages have already become an important factor restricting th sand industry development, especially in arid areas. As the province with the largest area of sandy land in China, Xinjiang has been used as the region of study in this paper. Xinjiang’s climate is characterized as extremely dry, with an annual average precipitation of approximately 150 mm. Thus, the carrying capacity of water resources has become an important factor restricting social and economic development and ecosystem stability in Xinjiang. To evaluate the current status of the sand industry and the carrying capacity of water resources in Xinjiang, this study used land use/land cover RS interpretation data in Xinjiang from four phases (2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015) alongwith related data on the Water Resources Bulletin and the Statistical Yearbook in Xinjiang. This study analyzed sand industry development in Xinjiang in the last 16 years by calculating the amount of farmland, forest land, and grassland converted from unused land. Additionally, the study calculated the water footprint in Xinjiang during 2000 – 2015 and evaluated carrying capacity of regional water resources by combining the water footprint model and evaluation indices of the carrying capacity of regional water resources. The analyses found that (1) the sand industry in Xinjiang developed rapidly with population growth and economic development in Xinjiang during 2000- 2015.Additionally, partially unused land and grasslands, including sandy land and portions of the Gobi Desert, were developed into arable land, forest land, land occupied by mining and towns, and land occupied by urban and rural residents. (2) The water footprint in Xinjiang as a whole increased, with the water footprint of consumed agricultural products accounting for a majority of that increase.The water footprint amount of consumed agricultural products increased rapidly, which was mainly caused by the vigorous development of the sand industry in Xinjiang and the use of unused land and grassland for growing medicinal and other plants. (3) The per capita water footprint, water resource pressure index, and water footprint benefit index in Xinjiang showed an increasing trend; however, their values were all significantly lower than China’s overall per capita levels. The general social and economic development trend in Xinjiang was good; however, water resource utilization was still relatively extensive and water resources were not properly developed. These results suggest that the industrial structure in Xinjiang should be optimized, and the planting proportion of various crops and the water use structure should be adjusted.These changes would enhance the development scale of the sand industry, which is supported by water resources. This paper providesevidence for the adjustment of the region’s industrial structure and water resources consumption pattern.


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