干旱区绿洲城市普遍存在居住区绿地率低、居住环境质量不高的问题,量化居民对居住区绿地的支付意愿及城市居住区绿地的愉悦价值,有利于正确评价城市绿地的价值,科学规划城市空间。基于问卷调查,利用支付卡式条件价值法和Tobit模型测算乌鲁木齐市居民对改善居住区绿地建设与服务的支付意愿,借助计量模型的假设检验对其影响因素进行定量分析,并基于支付意愿得到城市居住区绿地的愉悦价值。结果表明:(1) 乌鲁木齐市居民人均支付意愿为148.75 元·a–1,远高于东部地区,不同属性居住区的支付意愿为商业小区>单位大院>自建房。(2) 受访者性别、收入、家庭结构、需求偏好、认知与意识等特征对其支付意愿有显著影响,且非虚拟变量对决策的影响程度可借助经济学中的“边际理论”度量。(3) 乌鲁木齐市居住区绿地愉悦价值为3.31×108 元·a–1,利用居民对绿地生态功能和社会功能的认知赋分,发现其生态服务价值略大于社会服务价值。研究可为建立不同尺度绿地支付机制,提升绿洲城市居住区人居环境质量,优化城市空间布局及维护绿洲城市生态平衡提供科学参考。
Pleasure value is the value identification of the ecology and social services of green space based on human perception. It is of great significance to quantify the value of the externality of urban green space,which is of growing concern for many researchers. The green space of residential land (hereinafter referred to as residential green space) belongs to urban ancillary green space. Residential green space is close to residents’ daily life and has the highest frequency and accessibility. Its construction level directly reflects residents’ living standards,the quality of regional human settlements,and the modern concept of human-oriented principles. Thus,it is particularly important to evaluate the pleasure value of urban residential green space. The value of urban green space,particularly the pleasure value of oasis cities in arid areas,is usually underestimated,which leads to a lack of an internal driving force in the investment and construction of the urban green space. As a result,the rate of green space in the residential area of an oasis city is relatively low,and the quality of the living environment is not high. Therefore,it is meaningful to quantify the residents’ willingness to pay (WTP) for the residential green space of the oasis city and measure the pleasure value of the residential green space at the urban level. Recent research has shown that the WTP of individuals varies among different cities,residential areas,and types of green areas. Moreover,the differences between cities and residential areas are smaller,while the differences between different types of green areas are larger. The influencing factors of WTP primarily include gender,age,occupation,income,family structure,use frequency,and satisfaction. In other words,residents’ socioeconomic characteristics impact their WTP. Based on a review of the literature on the theory of pleasure value,the WTP measurement methods,and its influencing factors,the following work was performed:Using typical oasis city Urumqi,Xinjiang,China as an example,a sampling survey was distributed to residents throughout the main urban areas. Based on the data,we used the CVM method of card payment and Tobit regression model to quantify the residents’ WTP for residential green space and analyzed the influencing factors of the residents’ social and economic attributes. With the aid of the marginal theory from western economics,we analyzed the marginal influence of non-virtual variables on the residents’ decision-making as well. The WTP differences among residential areas with different attributes and residents from different parts of the urban areas were discussed. Additionally,the decomposition of the pleasure value of urban residential green space was calculated. The results indicated that the individual WTP of Urumqi’s residents was 148.75 yuan·a-1,which was much higher than that in the eastern region. Moreover,the WTP of residents from residential areas with different attributes varied upon comparison. We also found that the respondents’ gender,income,family structure,demand preference,cognition,and consciousness had a significant impact on their WTP and that the impact of non-virtual variables on their decision-making could be measured by means of the marginal theory. At the urban level,the pleasure value of green space in residential areas was 3.31 × 108 yuan·a-1,in which the value of ecological services was slightly higher than that of social services. Further research is needed to determine how to establish green payment mechanisms of different types and scales,increase the sample quantity,and improve the existing survey methods to reduce the WTP value deviation caused by personal understanding. Additionally,more confirmatory research should be carried out in oasis cities in arid regions to enrich the study of urban residential green space.
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