

  • 新疆财经大学经济学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012

收稿日期: 2019-06-24

  修回日期: 2019-11-25

  网络出版日期: 2020-05-25



Regional eco-economic input efficiency of Xinjiang based on undesirable output

  • School of Economics,Xinjiang University of Finance and EconomicsUrumqi 830012,XinjiangChina

Received date: 2019-06-24

  Revised date: 2019-11-25

  Online published: 2020-05-25




高志刚, 童思聪 .

基于非期望产出的新疆区域生态经济投入效益分析[J]. 干旱区地理, 2020 , 43(3) : 777 -785 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.03.24


Owning to the rapid development of industrialization and the advancement of urban construction in Xinjiang,China,fragile ecological environments have faced more severe situations.In order to promote ecological progress,it is helpful to coordinate the relationship between regional economic development and the ecological environment through analyzing the eco-economic input efficiency in Xinjiang.To understand the changing trend of Xinjiang’s regional eco-economic input efficiency,this paper considers the built-up area and total water and energy consumption as input indicators,while using the GDP of each region as the expected output index.Based on industrial wastewater discharge,smoke (dust) emissions,and sulfur dioxide emissions,a comprehensive pollution calculation index based on the entropy method is used as the undesirable output index.Firstly,an efficient SBM model considering the undesired output was used to measure the eco-economic input efficiencies of 14 regions in Xinjiang from 2001 to 2017.On the basis of the global Malmquist-Luenberger index,variations in dynamic eco-economic input efficiencies were analyzed from the aspects of technological progress and technological efficiency.Then,the reasons for the disparity in eco-economic input efficiencies in different regions were analyzed taking into consideration macro-policy regulation,economic development level,and industrial structure.According to the results of this study,some pertinent suggestions are put forward in order to provide data support and policy guidance toward promoting eco-economic input efficiency and the coordinated development of regional economy and the ecological environment,as well as the improvement of the eco-economic input efficiency throughout the regionOur results allow the following conclusions to be made:(1) the eco-economic input efficiency in the Xinjiang region is low,and there is a clear gap between the eco-economic input efficiency of each area,within,however,the efficiency value of each area shows an upward trend.(2) Obvious differences in eco-economic input efficiency between regions results from the input redundancy of resource elements,including the built-up area,energy consumption,and total water consumption.(3) The eco-economic input efficiencies of all regions in Xinjiang have been improved,with an average annual increase of 9.1%;the principal factor influencing this improvement is technological progress.Additionally,macroeconomic policy regulation,economic development levels,and industrial structure also have pacts on local eco-economic input efficiency.Based on these results,the following suggestions are proposed:(1) to promote complementary regional advantages and accelerate green development after classifying by different regional conditions;(2) to reasonably allocate resource elements in order improve the efficiency of resource utilization;and (3) to increase investment in technology research and development and improve technical and management levels


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