

  • 聊城大学环境与规划学院,山东 聊城 252000

收稿日期: 2019-06-20

  修回日期: 2019-09-04

  网络出版日期: 2020-05-25



Micromorphological characteristics of soil voids of fluvoaquic soil in the alluvial plain of the lower Yellow River

  • College of Environment and Planning,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252000,Shandong,China

Received date: 2019-06-20

  Revised date: 2019-09-04

  Online published: 2020-05-25


土壤颗粒排列是影响孔隙特征的最基本因素。土壤薄片能够直接观察且定量的分析土壤孔隙特征。为了解不同质地土壤的孔隙差异,于山东省东昌府区采集不同质地土壤(壤土、黏壤土、砂质壤土),通过常规方法和土壤微形态技术对比分析土壤孔隙特征。结果表明:三类样地土壤孔隙度均为表层向下逐渐减少。表层、底层差异在砂质壤土中主要体现于总孔隙度与毛管孔隙度,黏壤土、壤土则主要体现为总孔隙度与非毛管孔隙度。砂质壤土中各土层均以简单堆集孔隙为主;而0~10 cm黏壤土、壤土以复合堆积孔隙为主,其下复合堆积孔隙减少、其他形状孔隙增多。薄片图像测定孔隙数量可反映常规分析总孔隙度的50%左右,对于非毛管孔隙度则可反映80%左右。因此,土壤薄片更适合分析土壤非毛管孔隙。


张保华, 陶宝先, 曹建荣, 刘子亭 .

黄河下游冲积平原潮土土壤孔隙微形态特征[J]. 干旱区地理, 2020 , 43(3) : 687 -693 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.03.15


The arrangement of soil particles is a basic factor affecting soil pores.The characteristics of soil voids can be directly observed and quantitatively analyzed through the method of soil micromorphology.Liaocheng City is in the west part of Shandong Province,China and is located at the Yellow River alluvial plain.The fluvo-aquic soil accounts for 94% of the total soil area in Liaocheng City.In order to determine the effect of soil texture on soil voids of fluvo-aquic soil,the samples of loam,clay loam,and sandy loam were collected in Liaocheng City.The comparative analysis of soil voids was conducted using the method of soil micromorphology and the normal method of soil physical analysis.The results showed as follows:(1) based on the normal method of soil physical analysis,the average total soil porosity in the depth of 0-25 cm was 54.29% in clay loam,50.16% in sandy loam and 50.40% in loam,and the average soil noncapillary porosity in the depth of 0-25 cm was 43.79% in clay loam,42.00% in sandy loam and 41.11% in loam.(2) the total soil porosity of three types of soil decreased from surface to subsurface soil layer.With respect to sandy loam,the difference of soil porosity between surface and subsurface soil layer is attributed to the soil capillary pores,which decreases from 55.89% to 6.40%.As with loam and clay loam,the difference of soil porosity between surface and subsurface soil layer was ascribed to soil noncapillary porosity.The soil noncapillary porosity decreased from 15.86% in the surface soil layer to 7.22% in the subsurface layer in clay loam and decreased from 16.38% in the surface soil layer to 5.02% in the subsurface layer in loam.(3) according to the thin sections of soil,the main shape of soil void in the depth of 0-25 cm is simple packing voids in the sandy loam.With respect to clay loam and loam,the main shape of soil void is compound packing voids in the depth of 0-10 cm,and the number of compound packing voids decreased in the depth of 10-25 cm,and (4) the total soil porosity analyzed by the thin sections of soil only account for 44.22% to 59.72% of those analyzed by normal method,whereas the soil non-capillary porosity measured by the thin sections of soil account for 73.50% to 95.02%of those measured by normal method.Thus,the thin section of soil is suitable for analyzing the characteristics of non-capillary porosities.


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