In recent years,the renewal and construction of urban
public spaces in Xiahe County,Gannan Prefecture,Gansu Province,China has
accelerated with the rapid development of urbanization and tourism.
Meanwhile,it has also brought about a series of problems such as the spiritual
transformation of these places and reduction in recognition. Based on a social
investigation and road network topology modeling of the research area,this
study analyzes the spatial quality and vitality of the research area by using
the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method,spatial syntax method,and nuclear
density analysis. First,the perceived object is divided into passengers and local
residents and the spatial quality of public places is evaluated in the research
area. Then,the spatial accessibility of these places is measured by spatial
syntax and the intrinsic relationship between the activity and accessibility of
the place is explored by evaluating the cross-sectional
road traffic. Finally,in terms of the public place unit,place group,and place
system,specific construction strategies are proposed at the micro-,medium and macro-scales,respectively. The research shows that
there are obvious differences between local residents and tourists in spatial
cognition due to the differences in cultural identity and behavior. The spatial
accessibility analysis shows that the commercial and cultural places of Plexla
and the religious and cultural places of Labu have high spatial recognition and
good connectivity,which belong to high-accessibility spaces.
The study of staying spaces shows that there are some differences between
staying spaces for residents and tourists. On this basis,the place units,commercial
and cultural places,and five other public place groups are proposed as specific
construction strategies. Further,it is recommended that the construction of a
place system should be from the perspectives of constructing systematic places
by adhering to the principle of multiple groups and multiple
strategies,constructing multisubject places by creating highly
accessible places,and constructing group and place systems of hotspot units in
order to create high-quality,high-vitality
place systems. Meanwhile,it is expected to provide a set of public space
evaluation methods and construction strategies for establishing public spaces
in tourist-oriented cities.
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