In this study,first,an evaluation index of “comprehensive
tourism quality” was constructed and then the gravity
model was modified to measure the degree of tourism economy connection among
regions.Finally,the characteristics of the spatial network of the tourism
economy were explored in 15 prefectures of Xinjiang,China from 2008 to 2017 by
using the social network analysis method.The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) From 2008 to 2017,the average density of the Tourism Economic Association
Network in Xinjiang was only 0.356,the average network efficiency was 0.718,and
the average network hierarchy was 0.367.(2) In the past ten
years,Urumqi,Yili,Kashi,Changji,Turpan,and other locations had both high-degree
centrality and medium centrality; Altay and Bazhou had high degree
centrality and low-medium centrality;
Karamay had low-degree centrality and high-medium
centrality; Bozhou,Hotan and Hami areas,Tacheng area,Kezhou and Aksu areas,Shihezi
city,and other locations had doubly low-degree
centrality and medium centrality.(3) Urumqi,Changji,Kashi,Ili,and Altay
belonged to the “two-way spillover plate” within the research time limit; Shihezi,Karamay,Bazhou,and Turpan belonged to
the “broker plate”;
Bozhou,Hami,and Tacheng belonged to “net benefit plate”; and Aksu,Kezhou,and Hetian belonged to the “main benefit plate”.This study aims to
enrich the perspective of tourism economy network research and provides a
quantitative basis for economic development of tourism and cooperation in
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