Oasis cities are agglomeration centers of human activities and the most sensitive areas in human-earth relationships in arid regions. In recent years, some oases in China have experienced large-scale urban land use/cover change (LUCC) due to rapidly socio-economic development. Such changes have adverse impacts on the regional environments and sustainability. To improve the human-earth relationships and promote the sustainable development of oasis cities in China, it is important to review and understand the current progress of LUCC of oasis cities.Based on the systematic review method, this paper gathered and reviewed the related literatures on LUCC of oasis cities in China. From summarizing the existing studies, this paper highlighted the limitations of the existing investigations and put forward some feasible future research directions. This study first retrieved 275 literatures about LUCC of the Chinese oasis cities from the China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database of China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Web of Science Core Collection. Then, the general characteristics of these literatures were quantified using the systematic review method. Finally, the scales, methods, key contents and progress of the existing studies were summarized and generalized using the research framework of “process-impact-sustainability”.This review confirmed that existing studies have focused on the process, influence and sustainability of LUCC of oasis cities. The number and citation frequency of related literatures on the study of LUCC of oasis cities displayed an increasing trend. Among them, the number and the increase amplitude of related research literatures on LUCC process of oasis cities are the highest. These studies laid a good foundation for the in-depth understanding of LUCC of oasis cities. Nonetheless, existing studies have limitations in terms of multi-scale analysis, comprehensive impact evaluation of environmental and socio-economic effects, and the research methods of sustainability. Additional research efforts are needed to address these limitations in future studies, so that we have better scientific basis to support rational urban planning and sustainable development in oasis cities in China.
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