Based on the consumption data of coal,coke,crude oil,gasoline,kerosene,diesel oil,fuel oil and natural gas in Xi'an City,Shaanxi Province,China from 2000 to 2015,carbon emission model and GFI model were used to analyze the change trend and influencing factors of carbon emissions from regional energy consumption to explore the interaction and influence of driving and inhibiting elements of energy consumption in Xi'an City.The results show as follows:(1) The carbon emissions from energy consumption in Xi'an City is increasing,and the consumption of coal and crude oil is the main carbon source. (2) The energy utilization structure is changing and the energy consumption of the low energy consumption and the low carbon emission is increasing annually. (3) Economic development factors and population factors are the main driving factors of the carbon emission from energy consumption in Xi'an City.The driving effect of energy structure elements is not significant and can not be changed in the short term.The energy intensity has the inhibitory effect on energy consumption and carbon emission,but the effect is not obvious.Finally,the proposals to reduce the carbon emission from the energy consumption in Xi'an City are put forth in the paper and the key is to change the existing energy consumption structure to improve energy efficiency.
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